In the 3rd ERA-MBT call entitled “Metagenomic approaches for valorization from the marine environment”, five projects have been selected for funding, with a total budget of € 6.27 million.
After the submission date on 7 March 2017, 16 eligible proposals were received, requesting a total of € 17.5 million. Five transnational collaborative R&D projects have been selected for funding, based on an international peer-review assessment of proposals and within the possibilities of national budgets.
The main purpose of this call was to target research towards marine metagenomes and their microbes, with a view to identifying new enzymes, metabolites, and metabolic pathways with biotechnological potential. Studying this diverse microbial resource relies heavily on multi- and inter-disciplinary research teams and access to a range of tools and methodologies that are generally described as “-omics” technologies or “-omics” based approaches.
These projects are expected to start at the end of 2017-beginning of 2018.
More information can be found here.