CSA MarineBiotech achievements | Marinebiotech


CSA MarineBiotech achievements

The Strategic Forum & Stakeholders Group

The CSA MarineBiotech concentrated on the mobilisation and engagement of two key groups that provided strategic advice to the project consortium and contributed to a high-quality proposal for a future ERA-NET in marine biotechnology.

The MarineBiotech Strategic Forum, composed of funding agencies and policy makers from EU Member States and Associated Countries with interest in marine biotechnology grew from the 3 founding funding agencies in the CSA MarineBiotech consortium, to a total of 53 funding agencies in 27 countries, which gave rise to the working group on the proposal for a marine biotechnology ERA-NET in marine biotechnology.

Briefing document for the Strategic Forum

List of members of Strategic Forum

The MarineBiotech Stakeholder Group included stakeholders from relevant organisations and networks, industry grouping & knowledge institutes belonging to research, industry, outreach professionals, infrastructures, network and legal advisers important for the development of marine biotechnology. This group was inaugurated in January 2012 at the offices of the European Biotechnology Industry Association, EuropaBio, in Brussels. By the end of the project, this group had grown to almost 70 organisations and companies, European and international in scope. Of these, about 35% are research-orientated, 38% are industry-orientated, and the remainder are involved in policy, outreach to professionals, provision of infrastructure, or creation and support of networks. The SG as achieved by the CSA MarineBiotech is the starting resource to form the Strategic Advisory Board for the marine biotechnology ERA-NET.

Briefing document for the Stakeholder Group

List of members of Stakeholder Group


The European marine biotechnology web portal

The established MarineBiotech website is a living resource that has been continuously added to during the CSA MarineBiotech project and will continue to be developed and improved during the Marine Biotechnology ERA-NET. A private section is aimed for consortium members to exchange information and consult project documentation. The publicly available sections include information on individuals and organisations involved or interested in marine biotechnology (the information database), information pages including extracts of the project’s reports (the Infopages), publications from the project (the Library), News & Events and specific information about the CSA MarineBiotech and ERA-MarineBiotech project.

The website will be built upon in the marine biotechnology ERA-NET, so that it can be further developed as the portal for marine biotechnology in Europe.


Workshops and conferences

Two workshops were organised for representatives of funding agencies and for marine biotechnology stakeholders. The aim of the workshops was to discuss the status of European marine biotechnology, to clarify the issues of concern, gather input on priorities, identify gaps and discuss European competitiveness.

The Final Conference of the CSA MARINEBIOTECH project brought together scientists, industry representatives, policy makers/advisors and other key stakeholders involved or interested in Marine Biotechnology research in Europe, to help scope the future ERA-NET.

The consortium’s two workshops and final conference are summarised in reports available following the links below:

Workshop 1: Faro, Portugal, 26-27th April 2012

Workshop 2: Hamburg, Germany, 8-9th October 2012

Final conference: Brussels, Belgium, 11-12th March 2013


Project reports

CSA MarineBiotech has produced three important reports, two for European and one for international activities.

Marine Biotechnology RTDI in Europe - Inventory of strategic documents and Activities

This repot provides a first high-level overview of the current MBt science policy landscape. It includes information on research strategies, plans and/or policies designed to promote national or regional MBt RTDI activities; national/regional research programmes which support MBt research; national, regional and/or multi‐national research infrastructures and practical supports specifically targeted at or directly relevant to MBt RTDI; and major collaborative initiatives at national, regional and pan‐European level. The report is in three main sections: (1) pan‐European coordination initiatives, projects and activities; (2) European Regional Sea basin profiles; and (3) national profiles. This information naturally feeds into the development of the ERA-NET in MBt.

The report is an inventory of relevant documents and information, with links to more specific sources, and is based on available public information, with some contributions from experts and stakeholders. It does not aim nor claim to be complete or final, but should be considered as a starting point for a dynamic and living online information resource that will be elaborated, updated and improved as more information becomes available, including further inputs from experts and stakeholders.


Strategic Analysis of Marine Biotechnology RTDI in Europe

This report provides a high-level analysis of the information collected during CSA MarineBiotech, and has two main objectives: (1) to provide an essential information resource to guide the funding agencies interested in developing an ERA-NET in the area of MBt research and development; and (2) to develop a preliminary overview and analysis of the situation in Europe at national, regional and pan-European level for interested stakeholders. The first objective is important because of the main aim of the CSA MarineBiotech, to prepare the foundation of a potential ERA-NET in the area of Marine Biotechnology. The second objective is important as a starting point for a long-term effort to improve our understanding of the MBt landscape in Europe, so as to inform future policies and coordination efforts at various geographic scales.

This is a preliminary analysis, based on the information collected from public sources, experts and stakeholders for the inventory project. The www.marinebiotech.eu portal will  be used to consolidate and refresh the information, including further inputs from experts and stakeholders.


A Global Perspective: High-level analysis of key trends and developments in global marine biotechnology RTDI

This report brings together as much information as can initially be found on national strategies for biotechnology and marine biotechnology, programmes and major research centres for countries outside Europe. Like the reports on Europe, it is a high-level overview and analysis of research, investments, research programmes and trends, and is also a ‘living document’, through the Infopages of the MarineBiotech website.It will becorrected, expanded and brought up to date by interested parties who have access to directknowledge and accurate information. Itis also intended to raise interest in transnationalcollaborative possibilities between European countries and others.




The four newsletters and the informative brochures produced by the consortiumcan be found here.