Guidelines for Communication in the value chain: "From academic knowledge to value creation" | Marinebiotech

Guidelines for Communication in the value chain: "From academic knowledge to value creation"

A workshop was held by ERA-MBT in collaboration with the COLUMBUS project in June 2017, Brussels named “From academic knowledge to value creation based on marine biotechnology”. Participants from all stages of the value chain from academia, industry, regulatory and policy making as well as people with law and financing experience were invited to the workshop. Based on a survey carried out among the workshop participants, possible communication challenges between actors in the value chain were identified along with ideas over possible actions to minimize the impact of those.

The main communication challenges revealed during the workshop were used to develop communication guidelines, in the format of an interactive Excel tool, addressing the communication challenges between the actors. The aim of this tool is to increase the focus on good communications to be used in applied RTDI projects for value creation from marine biotechnology. The Excel file can be downloaded so each user can adjust the proposed lists according to their needs. The lists are meant to work as guidelines over the different communication challenges that can occur when bringing a Marine Biotechnology idea from a lab innovation to the market.  The guidelines (Excel file) have one sheet for each step in the value chain from idea to market. The user is asked to evaluate what is the probability that each challenge is relevant for their idea and what impact it can have when bringing their idea to the market. Based on those evaluations the user can prioritize the tasks ahead, improve communications and thereby increase the possibility that their project will be brought successfully to the market.

Download here the report of the workshop.

Download here the ERA-MBT Guidelines for Communication in the value chain 2017 in the format of an interactive Excel tool.