Live and let die: the rapid development of research to assess survival of discards in European fisheries
Catchpole, T.; van Marlen, B.; Uhlmann, S.; Theunynck, R.; Randall, P.; Nilsson, H.; Méhault, S.; Kopp, D.; Wilms, I.; van der Reijden, K.; Molenaar, P.; Madsen, N.; Methling, C.; Breen, M. (2015). Live and let die: the rapid development of research to assess survival of discards in European fisheries. CM Documents - ICES, CM 2015(L:23). International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: Copenhagen. 1 pp.
Deel van: ICES CM Documents - ICES. ICES: Copenhagen. ISSN 1015-4744
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