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La surveillance sismique sous-marine: La situation en France et dans le monde
Géli, L. (1998). La surveillance sismique sous-marine: La situation en France et dans le monde. Bilans et Prospectives. IFREMER: Plouzané. ISBN 2-905434-99-6. 69 pp.
Deel van: Bilans et Prospectives. IFREMER: Plouzané. ISSN 1279-8339

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  • Géli, L.

    In the civilian sector, deep-sea seismic monitoring mainly covers two fields of application, respectively - seismic risks and the study of the Earth's interior. The socio-economic states related to seismic risks are high. The stakes for applications to study the Earth's internal structure are of scientific and technological nature. This is a field where France excels, but where competition is stiff, especially from Japan and the USA. This document aims to assess the deep-sea seismic monitoring situation in both fields, to situate France's position internationally and to analyze the role Ifremer could play in this general context.

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