Veneto Nanotech was created in 2003 after careful valuation and analysis of the Italian business reality regarding innovation and technology transfer, and has grown to coordinate the activities of the hi tech cluster of nanotechnology applied to materials.
Veneto Nanotech was established with the objective to build international excellence in research, to foster the application of nanotechnology, and to support the development of start-ups in the focus sector.
It proposes itself as a link at an institutional level and as a referee for companies and research institutions, in order to create innovative hi-tech products.
The Region of Veneto is the centre of the technological cluster, with strong scientific and productive competences, along with great application potentials in its industrial environment. Moreover, Veneto boasts the highest entrepreneurship rate in Italy, and a high concentration of businesses that are mostly interested in nanotechnology. The aforementioned characteristics of the region rendered it the most attractive site to develop the nanotech cluster. |