Joint Research Activities
Five Joint Research Activities (JRAs) operate under the umbrella of ASSEMBLE Plus. Data and knowledge generated within these activities are provided via a Knowledge Transfer Platform (coming soon!)
Genomic observatories (JRA1)
Joint Research Activity 1 (JRA1) fosters the application of genomics technologies at Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER) sites. Research encompasses populating and verifying databases of taxonomic reference barcodes, harmonisation of metabarcoding standard operating procedures (SOPs) across the consortium so that the resulting data can be compared across the partnership, and inter-calibration of classical biodiversity data and genomics data (metabarcoding, meta-transcriptomics, etc.). The final objective will be the establishment of a distributed Genomics Observatory across the partnership and beyond of which the data are available for virtual access (VA).
Lead Partner: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)
Work package leader: Georgios Kotoulas
Kick-off meeting presentation: Genomics observatories (WP7 – JRA1)
Cryobanking marine organisms (JRA2)
Joint Research Activity 2 (JRA2) addresses a constraint in the exploitation of marine genetic and biological resources, namely the current paucity of capability for preserving these resources ex-situ with guaranteed genetic, phenotypic and functional stability. The JRA develop reproducible cryopreservation methodologies for various life-stages of a range of marine macro-organisms and currently cryo-recalcitrant microorganisms. The results will improve and expand the availability of biological resources for Transnational Access (TA) at significantly reduced costs.
Lead Partner: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Work package leader: Estefania Paredes
Kick-off meeting presentation: Cryobanking of Marine Organisms (WP8 – JRA2)
Functional genomics (JRA3)
Joint Research Activity 3 (JRA3) addresses demands to establish links between genomic information and phenotypes of marine model species. JRA3 develops small-scale functional genomic approaches for several marine models for the generation of Genetically Modified Marine Organisms (GMOs), a reference set of phenotyped–genotyped GMOs, and phenotypic or genotypic data for the functional description of the GMOs, all of which will be available for Transnational Access (TA).
Lead Partner: Sorbonne Université/CNRS
Work package leader: Hector Escriva
Kick-off meeting presentation: Functional genomics (WP9 – JRA3)
Development of instrumentation (JRA4)
Joint Research Activity 4 (JRA4) will produce technical benchmarks for cross-consortium implementation of standardised experimental maintenance and rearing systems for marine organisms. This will improve the efficiency of service provision across the consortium and ensure that the resulting know-how will be perpetuated beyond the duration of ASSEMBLE Plus.
Lead Partner: Sorbonne Université/CNRS
Work package leader: Ian Probert
Kick-off meeting presentation: Development of instrumentation (WP10 – JRA4)
Scientific diving (JRA5)
Joint Research Activity 5 (JRA5) enhances diving-based science delivery by refining and testing emerging underwater scientific technologies at various partner sites and standardising these wherever possible. The results will be made available across the ASSEMBLE Plus consortium to facilitate photogrammetry in underwater studies everywhere.
Lead Partner: Tritonia Scientific Ltd (TSL)
Work package leader: Martin Sayer
Kick-off meeting presentation: Scientific diving (WP11 – JRA5), Piotr Kuklinski (IOPAN)