Knowledge Outputs
ASSEMBLE Plus’ State-of-the-Science Stories
Here you can find an easy-to-read guide to the knowledge outputs from the five Joint Research Activities of ASSEMBLE+.
Genomics Observatories
In this joint research activity, our interest is to produce a roadmap for long-term marine genomic observatories. We will perform and optimise coordinated genomics observations of planktonic and benthic communities, and we will build on the long-term investment, infrastructure, expertise and traditions of more than 20 ASSEMBLE Plus marine more
Lead Partner: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR)
Work package leader: Georgios Kotoulas
Cryobanking Marine Organisms
In this joint research activity, we are working on the design of cryopreservation protocols for bio-banking various marine genetic and biological resources (e.g. marine invertebrates and algae). We are also interested in exploring and testing processes to extend the reproduction window of commercial more
Lead Partner: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Work package leader: Estefania Paredes
Functional Genomics
For this joint research activity, we will adapt and implement protocols to generate genetically-modified metazoans, macroalgae and microrganisms, all of which represent strategically important resources for academia and industry (e.g. bio-actives for food, feed, pharma and cosmetics) more
Lead Partner: Sorbonne Université/CNRS
Work package leader: Hector Escriva
Developing Instrumentation
Our focus in this joint research activity is on developing a database featuring reviews of the aquarium systems and equipment being used by the ASSEMBLE Plus research institutions. We are also interested in encouraging crossover and knowledge sharing between research more
Lead Partner: Sorbonne Université/CNRS
Work package leader: Ian Probert
Scientific Diving
Our focus in this joint research activity on developing our capabilities in stereophotogrammetry, otherwise known as “structure from motion” or “3D photogrammetry” more
Lead Partner: Tritonia Scientific Ltd (TSL)
Work package leader: Martin Sayer