National University of Ireland Galway - Ryan Institute (NUIG-RI)

The Ryan Institute is a cross-cutting Research Institute of NUI Galway with research groups drawn from all Colleges across NUI Galway. Its internationally-renowned expertise spans the sciences, engineering, socio-economics and health. Advancing sustainability and innovation is central to the research activities of the Ryan Institute's Research Centres/Clusters and Research Groups. The Ryan Institute is comprised of 12 Research Centres/Clusters spanning the four thematic research areas:
- Marine & Coastal
- Energy & Climate Change
- Agriculture & BioEconomy
- Environment & Health
- Seagrass (Zostera) beds
- Maerl beds
- Tidal rapids
- Sedimentary habitats
- Rocky habitats
Experimental facilities
- Dry laboratories (On-site service)
- Light microscopes, fume hoods, freeze drier
Technology platforms
- Structure and chemical analysis (On-site service)
- Purification by HPLC and structure elucidation by NMR (500 and 600MHz) HRMS and Circular Dichroism of all families of specialised metabolites from marine organisms
- Purification by HPLC and structure elucidation by NMR (500 and 600MHz) HRMS and Circular Dichroism of all families of specialised metabolites from marine organisms
- Molecular biology and omics (On-site service)
- Population and evolutionary genetics, including DNA extraction and PCR, with outsourced Sanger sequencing. These facilities have been applied to a range of taxa including cnidarians, cephalopods, fishes and sponges, with sufficient in-house expertise to tackle most groups.
- Other technology platforms (On-site service)
- Inductively Coupled Plasma. Mass Spectrometry, ICP-MS. The design includes a Class 6 and 7 clean room facilities for the preparation and analysis of samples for ultra-trace elemental analysis.
- Inductively Coupled Plasma. Mass Spectrometry, ICP-MS. The design includes a Class 6 and 7 clean room facilities for the preparation and analysis of samples for ultra-trace elemental analysis.
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National University of Ireland Galway
Martin Ryan Marine Science Institute
Liaison officer: Mark Johnson (
), cc to: