The Plentzia Marine Station (PiE-UPV/EHU) is the University of the Basque Country´s (UPV/EHU) marine research infrastructure, established in July 2012. It is located in a refurbished building constructed one century ago to fight against tuberculosis and bone disease, 15 km away from the main Campus. Participation of PiE-UPV/EHU in EMBRC is subsidised by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and the Basque Country Regional Goverment. PiE-UPV/EHU is a centre for promoting research, education and dissemination for the protection of ocean and human health and wealth, and for promoting environmental science, technology and awareness. PiE-UPV/EHU houses 10 research groups. Its research is focused on: 1) conducting high-quality experimentation under controlled laboratory and field conditions; 2) studying phenomena in the areas of cell and molecular biology, genetics, physiology, toxicology, stress biology and systems biology; 3) applying advanced methodologies of experimentation with marine organisms, in vitro assays, omics, cryotechnology, spectroscopy, microscopy, image analysis and data treatment.
- Intertidal rocky shores
- Intertidal sandy shores
- Mudflats Estuaries
- Natura 2000 site
Ecosystem access
- Coastal research vessels (On-site service)
- Semi-rigid inflatable boat
- Sampling equipment (On-site service)
- Provision of vehicles
- Other ecosystem access (On-site service)
- Fully equipped mobile laboratory and 4x4 vehicle to sample the intertidal rocky shores and beaches
Biological resources
- Biobanks (On-site and remote service)
- Biscay Bay Environmental Biospecimen Bank (BBEBB): frozen and paraffin-embedded samples, histological sections and shell/otolith bank
- Biospecimens: samples, data sets, High resolution images
- Culture collections (On-site service)
- Provision of microalgae from the PiE-UPV/EHU Basque Microalgae Culture Collection (BMCC)
- Marine model organisms (On-site and remote service)
- Provision of mussels, sea urchins and other experimental marine organisms
- Species collected upon request (On-site service)
- Sampling of planctonic and intertidal feral species and access to commercial fisheries from the Bay of Biscay
Experimental facilities
- Aquaria and tanks (On-site service)
- Three rooms with different capacity aquaria (15 units of 500 l; 15 of 1000–1500 l; 8 of 2500–4000 l)
- Algal culture
- Fish and marine invertebrates
- Toxic algae room PL2 room (PL3 biosafety cabinet with 10x 40L aquaria)
- Chemical exposure
- All aquaria facilities provided with independently regulated photoperiod and temperature (except mesocosms), high-quality seawater (300000 l/day) and air supply. Flow-through, static or semistatic water supply systems for experimentation with toxicants
- Mesocosms (On-site service)
- Access to outdoor mesocosms (2 units of 20000 l)
- Dry labs (On-site service)
- Microscopy and bio-imaging platform (advanced light/fluorescence microscopy, high-resolution slide scanning platform and expertise in image analysis, stereology and planimetry)
- Wet labs (On-site service)
- Histology
- Molecular biology and omis technologies platform (transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics)
- Cell culture
- Chemical analysis
- Dissection room and two equipped multi-use laboratories for visiting scientists
- Histochemistry and biochemistry
- Cell separation and fractionation
- Fish embryo toxicity testing unit and microscale toxicity testing room: toxicity bioassays
Technology platforms
- Imaging (On-site service)
- Access to a slide scanner, inverted and regular light microscopy, epifluorescence microscopy
- Molecular biology and omics (On-site and remote service)
- DNA bank, biomarkers, barcoding
- Evolutionary analysis
- qPCR
- Toxicogenomic analysis
- Metabolomic analysis
- Bioassays (On-site service)
- Toxicity bioassays
- Other technology platforms (On-site service)
- High-throughput histology analysis
- Data analysis tools and software (On-site and remote service)
- Remote sensing using satellite-derived daily datasets
Expert advice
- Experimental design (On-site service)
- Coastal monitoring experimental design
- Other expert advice (On-site service)
- Marine experimental infrastructure and facilities design; histopathology; biomarker analysis
PiE-UPV/EHU also offers lecture theatres, conference auditorium, seminar room, on-site dining room
Liaison officer: Xabier Lecube ( )