The 32nd ESCPB Congress, to be held by Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn at the Darwin Dohrn Museum (Naples, Italy), between the 28th and the 31st of August 2022.

ASSEMBLE Plus Conference 2022 - Marine biological research at the frontier is coming soon!

ASSEMBLE Plus is an EC-funded H2020 project directed at the use of research infrastructures (RI) for the benefit of academia and industry alike.

Following the Russian military invasion of Ukraine and in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, the European Commission (EC) has decided to suspend cooperation with...

A ninth call for free access to over 30 of Europe’s best marine research facilities and services has been announced as part of the EU-funded ASSEMBLE Plus project.

We would like to invite you to join this year’s Ocean Sampling Day - OSD 2021, on 21st June 2021.

A recent study published in the journal Ethology has shown that sea urchins are able to consume predators much larger than themselves.

Newsletter 4 Spring 2021 is released

A recent study provides new insights into the effects of rising temperatures on bivalves, a class which includes mussels and oysters.

We are glad to announce that ASSEMBLE Plus partner, Tvärminne Zoological Station of the University of Helsinki, are recruiting six new PhD students within the fields...