The All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum will gather political and community leaders, researchers, industry, Youth Ambassadors and, inspirational speakers from along and...

This introductory course is addressed to unexperienced students, scientists and stakeholders interested in acquiring practical bioinformatics skills on metabarcoding...

The conference is organized by the Institute of Marine Sciences (ISMAR) of the Italian National Research Council, the Consortium for Lagoon Research (Corila), and the...

In 2020, the EuroMarine General Assembly (GA) meeting will take place in Piran, Slovenia, on 16 January (all day) and 17 January 2019 (morning).

The third project e-newsletter was released today by ASSEMBLE Plus.

Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, sponsored by the ASSEMBLE Plus Consortium and the European community, are organising a course on "Metabarcoding and metagenomic data...
A recipient of ASSEMBLE Plus Transnational Access funding, Geslaine Goncalves, will present her research next week at Ghent university.

A recipient of ASSEMBLE Plus Transnational Access funding, Florencia de la Rosa, will present her...

You are warmly invited to the Scottish Association for Marine Science’s 30th Annual Newth Lecture, "Scientia potentia est