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IKUWA 8 is organised by the IKUWA Steering Committee, Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Flanders Heritage Agency, Agence Wallonne du Patrimoine, Ghent University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, VisitFlanders, Province of West Flanders and the City of Ostend. 

The event is supported by Port Oostende, DRASSM (Département des recherches archéologiques subaquatiques et sous-marines, France) and RCE (Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, the Netherlands). 

IKUWA Steering Committee

IKUWA is a global network of cooperating bodies that organises congresses focused on underwater archaeology to raise awareness of the importance of underwater cultural heritage and to create an international regulatory framework for its protection. The congresses are organised under the patronage of UNESCO and the 2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage.

The composition of the Steering Committee is available on this link

    Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)

The Flanders Marine Institute is the coordination and information platform for marine and coastal research in Flanders. It also promotes and supports the international image of Flemish marine scientific research and international marine education as a partner in various projects and networks. The marine research areas are the ocean and seas, the coast and the tidal systems. The target groups for knowledge accumulation are the marine research community as well as educational institutions, the general public, policymakers and the industry (within the scope of the blue economy).

VLIZ is housed in the InnovOcean Campus on the East Bank of Ostend. More information can be found on

    Flanders Heritage Agency

Flanders heritage Agency is a governmental agency and a scientific institute of the Flemish Government. The agency has responsibility for and carries out scientific research in the fields of immovable heritage (archaeological, built and landscape heritage) and the historic fleet within the Flemish Region. Together with many partners we raise awareness for heritage to become a source of inspiration for future developments.

At the headquarter of the agency in Brussels, we have a library open to the public with thousands of inspiring publications on heritage and on heritage conservation. More information can be found on

    Agence Wallonne du Patrimoine

The cultural heritage of Wallonia is a common asset that concerns everyone. Since 1988, the Service Public de Wallonie manages the material cultural heritage in Wallonia. On behalf of the community, SPW officers ensure the sustainability of our cultural heritage and guarantee its maintenance, in a qualitative built and natural environment. Heritage management is based on the principles of integrated conservation, and aims for an overall policy of safeguarding and rehabilitating cultural heritage, considering the value and role of this heritage for the society.

Excavating, protecting, restoring, training and raising awareness are the main missions of our agency. For more information:

    Ghent University, Department of Archaeology

Ghent University is a top-ranking university founded in 1817. It is an open, pluralistic and socially engaged university of more than 200 years old, offering more than 200 programmes to +50.000 students and conducting in-depth research within a wide range of scientific domains. The Ghent University Archaeology Department is currently the largest in Belgium and its staff members are engaged in various interdisciplinary projects in Northwestern Europe and the Mediterranean, including in the fields of underwater- and maritime archaeology.

For more information:


     Vrije Universiteit Brussel 

VUB is an Urban Engaged University in Brussels, the heart of Europe. 20,000 students, nearly a quarter of them from abroad, are engaged in building their future and that of the world. With top-quality scientific research and customised education, VUB makes an active and engaged contribution to a better and more sustainable society. 

For more information: 


As a Flemish government agency that is strategy and knowledge-driven, VisitFlanders is committed to the sustainable development and promotion of Flanders as a top tourist destination. We don’t do this by ourselves. Together with our tourism partners, we work to allow Flanders to flourish as an innovative, high-quality travel destination and to inspire potential visitors to put the region at the top of their bucket lists. Our ultimate goal? Using tourism to help Flanders flourish as a destination! We do so both for our residents and entrepreneurs and for you, our visitors. We pay special attention to sustainability, accessibility and family-friendliness. 

For more information: 

    City of Ostend

Meet in Oostende is the official convention bureau of the city of Ostend. Whether you'd like to organise a teambuilding, a seminar or a conference in our city, we are here to assist you in finding the right partners for your event. We are your central point of contact for all your questions: no more negotiating with different contacts, we arrange everything for you. More information on

Tourist information on the city's many activities and attractions can be found at


Province of West-Flanders / Atlantikwall Raversyde

The ATLANTIKWALL in Raversyde is one of the best-preserved remains of the German defensive line, with more than sixty bunkers, open-air and underground passageways, observation posts and artillery positions. In the entrance area you can view several restored collection items, including an Enigma encryption machine. You’ll also learn more about the Atlantikwall and the coastal war. This unique bunker complex from the First World War is located in an area of undulating dunes with a view of the sea.The battery has undergone extensive and thorough restoration and renovation. Immerse yourself in the fascinating history of daily life in the coastal battery and on the occupied coast. Learn about the mysterious war at sea and the coastal defences from images, animations, models and a 3D reconstruction. And for a touch of culture, discover the ‘Green Chequered House’ by artist Lily Van der Stokker (Beaufort), or visit the photo exhibition ‘Atlantic Wall’ by Stephan Vanfleteren that belongs to the permanent collection on the site. 

More information on this provincial domain on 


Port Oostende 

Port Oostende is a growth engine and hub of blue economy. Blue economy includes blue technology, maritime connections, circular industry, and fisheries & aquaculture. 

More information on 

    Department of Underwater and Subaquatic Archaeological Research (Drassm)

Drassm, a national department of the Ministry of Culture, is responsible for implementing the French government's policy on heritage management, archaeological research and protection in the national public maritime domain. Drassm explores, studies, promotes and protects the coastal and maritime archaeological heritage of all marine waters under French jurisdiction. Drassm also provides advice and support for archaeological sites in inland waters under the jurisdiction of the Archaeology Departments of the Regional Directorates of Cultural Affairs, particularly in terms of processing the documentation and material collected. Equipped with state-of-the-art detection and robotics equipment, Drassm is a benchmark for coastal and underwater archaeological research and contributes to the training of future scientific personnel for the French Ministry of Culture and its partners. Drassm is also an advisor to UNESCO, and regularly contributes its expertise to international missions.

More information on 


    Cultural Heritage Agency (RCE) 

The Cultural Heritage Agency (RCE) is part of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Netherlands. We work under the direct responsibility of the minister and implement laws, regulations and heritage policy jointly made by the ministry and the RCE. Together with our partners, we are responsible for the care of Dutch heritage above and below the ground, under water and in museums. We generate and disseminate knowledge and provide practical advice on national monuments, landscape and environment, archaeology, and movable heritage. 

More information on