Abstract submission
The scientific committee kindly invites everyone who is interested to submit an abstract using the online form. You can select your preferred type of participation: a 20 minute presentation or a scientific poster. If you apply for a presentation and your abstract is not selected, you will automatically receive a place in the poster exhibition.
Submissions should consist of a title and an abstract of 250-350 words, plus 5 to 7 keywords. You will be asked to select the session(s) your abstract belongs to, so please check them in advance. The submission deadline is set on 15 March 2025.
BAR Publishing has confirmed their interest to publish papers from IKUWA 8 conference in an edited volume in the BAR International Series in both print format, ePDF format, and Open Access in similar format to the papers from IKUWA 7 in the volume Delivering the Deep. The intention would be to publish in advance of the subsequent IKUWA 9 conference.
- If you experience technical problems with the submission form, please contact info@vliz.be
Questions for the scientific committee can be sent to Marnix Pieters (marnix.pieters@vlaanderen.be) or Jessica Vandevelde (jessica.vandevelde@vlaanderen.be)