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Call for session proposals

Session proposals

The scientific committee kindly invites everyone who is interested in organizing a session, to go to the online form and fill in the details of the proposal. Submissions should consist of a title and an abstract of up to 300 words, plus 3 to 6 keywords. A maximum of three organizers per session is allowed. We welcome regular sessions with oral presentations and round-table discussions. Other specific formats might be possible, in consultation with the scientific committee and within the limits of the available infrastructure. The submission deadline is 31th of August 2024.

“Telling the exciting tales of our past”

Despite the name, IKUWA does not only focus on underwater archaeology in the strict sense. Within our central theme, we encourage proposals that encompass a wide range of topics on both underwater and coastal cultural heritage: maritime landscapes, the interactions between humans and oceans, the socio-cultural significance of the oceans, the impact of climate change, education and outreach, ethical considerations, technological advances, recent discoveries, etc.
