Rafinesque, C.S. (1814). Précis des découvertes et travaux somiologiques de Mr. C.S. Rafinesque-Schmaltz entre 1800 et 1814; ou choix raisonné de ses principales découvertes en zoologie et en botanique, pour servir d'introduction à ses ouvrages futurs. [Summary of the discoveries and somiological works of Mr. C.S. Rafinesque-Schmaltz between 1800 and 1814; or reasoned selection of his principal discoveries in zoology and botany, to serve as an introduction to his future works.]. Palerme. :1-55.
Pr�cis des d�couvertes et travaux somiologiques de Mr. C.S. Rafinesque-Schmaltz entre 1800 et 1814; ou choix raisonn� de ses principales d�couvertes en zoologie et en botanique, pour servir d'introduction � ses ouvrages futurs. [Summary of the discoveries and somiological works of Mr. C.S. Rafinesque-Schmaltz between 1800 and 1814; or reasoned selection of his principal discoveries in zoology and botany, to serve as an introduction to his future works.]
From Eschmeyer on the web. Kristian Fauchald's Polychaeta DB Also lithoprint facsimile re-edition in 1948 by Peter Smith, The Murray Printing Company, Wakefield, Massachusetts 55pp; plates