Vertical and horizontal environmental DNA (eDNA) patterns of fish in a shallow and well-mixed North Sea area
Dukan, N.; Cornelis, I.; Maes, S.; Hostens, K.; De Backer, A.; Derycke, S. (2024). Vertical and horizontal environmental DNA (eDNA) patterns of fish in a shallow and well-mixed North Sea area. NPG Scientific Reports 14(1): 16748. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-66912-2
In: Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group). Nature Publishing Group: London. ISSN 2045-2322; e-ISSN 2045-2322
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Auteurs | | Top |
- Dukan, N.
- Cornelis, I.
- Maes, S.
- Hostens, K.
- De Backer, A.
- Derycke, S.
Abstract |
The integration of eDNA metabarcoding into monitoring programs provides valuable information about fish community structures. Despite the growing body of evidence supporting the method's effectiveness in distinguishing fine-scale eDNA signals, there is a limited understanding of eDNA distribution in shallow, well-mixed environments, especially related to sampling depth. We analyzed 167 samples collected from the surface and bottom water at 17 locations of the Belgian Part of the North Sea (BPNS), where the deepest sampling point was 31 m, and compared this to beam trawl catch data collected simultaneously at the same locations. eDNA metabarcoding identified an additional 22 species compared to beam trawl catch data. Diversity measures and patterns were very similar between surface and bottom samples and revealed community patterns that were previously described by long-term beam trawl catch data. Surface and bottom samples had 39 fish species in common, while six and eight rare species were uniquely detected, respectively. Our results demonstrate that eDNA metabarcoding effectively identifies spatial community patterns of fishes in the highly dynamic environment of the BPNS regardless of sampling depth. Out of the six most common species tested, eDNA metabarcoding read abundances correlated strongly with catch-based abundance data for one species, but moderately for two others, indicating that inferring fish abundance and biomass via eDNA metabarcoding remains challenging. |