WP 5: Risk mitigation options and tools for defence planning strategies in study sites
Leader: Barbara Zanuttigh, UniBo
The general aim of the WP is to provide a verified procedure to select the most appropriate mitigation measures for a given coastal area. This procedure should be generic so that it can be used over most European coasts by stakeholders and end users for defence planning strategies.
The multidisciplinary experience within DELOS (UniBo, UoP, AAU, UC, AUTh) achieved an integrated approach in the design of low crested structures based on their engineering, ecological and socio-economic impact. Starting from this experience, THESEUS will ultimately contribute to the development of standard integrated practices in the selection of mitigation measures in study sites after the estimation of their engineering, environmental and socio-economic effects. THESEUS will also integrate scientific outcome into design guidelines for defence design and in the integrated THESEUS software tool for coastal risk assessment and management. This innovative GIS-based
tool will:
- perform a highly multidisciplinary analysis including social, economic, psychological, engineering, meteorological, ecological aspects of the problem;
- include the effects of climate change and variability;
- estimate both vulnerability and resilience;
- let the user be able to select among a variety mitigation options and provide then an estimate of risk based on the selected conditions;
- be validated at least against 4 selected study sites (tentatively: Venice lagoon, Vistula flood plain, Teign estuary and Santander spit);
- be implemented on a user-friendly GIS platform, in compliance with existing international standards including OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) standards and OPEN-MI, developed by the HARMON-IT project;
- provide results to be appropriate for planning and mitigating purposed to end users, stakeholders, local authorities;
- be disseminated on the project web-site and through appropriate training packages.
WT 5.1 Identification of mitigation options (Leader: Barbara Zanuttigh, UniBo)
Baseline: Integrated approaches in beach defence management (DELOS, SPICOSA) and multidisciplinary software for coastal risk assessment (DINAS-COAST)
Performance/ Research Indicators:
- Integrated guidelines for selection and design of innovative mitigation options
- Validated software tool for defence planning strategies