THESEUS (Innovative technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate) is the largest Integrated Project within coastal risk assessment and mitigation funded by the European Commission (6,530,000 €) and consists of 31 partner institutes. The project will develop during the next four years a systematic approach to deliver both a low-risk coast for human use and healthy coastal habitats for evolving coastal zones subjected to multiple factors.

On the project description pages you will find more detailed information. The general coordinator of THESEUS is Barbara Zanuttigh from the University of Bologna. The project started the first of December 2009.

Winner best poster award
Added on: 2011-04-19 11:26:47 by Claus, Simon
At the Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting, 8 & 9 February 2011 in Lunteren THESEUS partner Jim van Belzen from NIOO-CEME received the best poster award. His original poster focusses on the disturbance and recovery at salt-marsh pioneer zones. You can see the poster in the Open THESEUS ArchiveA Theseus special session: Coastal risk in a changing climate at the Coastal Structures 2011conference.
Added on: 2010-12-13 14:49:22 by Goffin, Annelies
COASTAL STRUCTURES 2011 will be the sixth in a sequence of technical specialty conferences bringing together researchers and practitioners on coastal structures. On this conference Theseus organises a session on Coastal risk in a changing climate. ...
Opening of session Coastal flooding and erosion risk: present and future at European Geosciences Union General Assembly
Added on: 2010-12-08 16:18:21 by Goffin, Annelies
The EGU General Assembly 2011 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world into one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences. The session Coastal flooding and erosion risk: present and future of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011 is opened. Convener is Fernando J. Mendez coconveners are Barbara Zanuttigh and Robert J. Nicholls. ...
THESEUS studysite ‘Santander Bay’ under attack by storm Becky
Added on: 2010-11-18 15:47:42 by Fernando Mendez
This autumn the storm Becky reached the Santander Bay. The peak of nearshore significant wave height was about 8 m, the storm surge 0.6 m, with an astronomical tidal level corresponding to the 90% percentile of tidal range. Without any specific statistical analysis, this storm seems to be at least a 20-year return period event.
The very first International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Long Beach, California,1950.
Added on: 2010-09-14 09:59:37 by Goffin, Annelies
Even in the 1950 shoreline problems gained widespread interest and the need for a first conference on this subject was a fact. In October 1950 the conference on coastal engineering gathered engineers and scientist in Long Beach, California. The series of papers presented at the conference and published in this volume do represent a rather thorough summary of coastal engineering as now practiced. ...A new wave in coastal protection
Added on: 2010-07-30 14:34:36 by Claus, Simon
THESEUS gets the full attention of Euronews. A eight minute movie has been compiled to explain the issues at stake. The Venice lagoon and Santander Bay studysites were used to exaplain the effects of climate change and the objectieves and goals of the project.University of Delaware Professor Receives 2010 International Coastal Engineering Award
Added on: 2010-07-23 11:33:34 by Claus Simon
Nobu Kobayashi, Chair of the COPRI Coastal Structures Committee, received the 2010 International Coastal Engineering (ICE) Award at the International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2010) in Shanghai, China. ...
Theseus meeting at Leuven
Added on: 2010-06-22 10:33:04 by Goffin, Annelies
From 2-4 June 2010 the 31 partners from the Theseus project came together at Leuven. The university Campus of Leuven near the Arenberg Castle was the perfect setting for this second project meeting. ...INFO DAY and brokerage events on the FP7 call for proposals - Work Programme 2011.
Added on: 2010-06-22 10:15:05 by Goffin, Annelies
Next 12-13 July 2010 the Environment Directorate of DG RTD is organising an INFO DAY and brokerage events related the forthcoming publication of the FP7 call for proposals - Work Programme 2011. This event will take place in Brussels, Centre Albert Borschette, 36 rue Froissart, starting on Monday afternoon 12 July. ...
The storm Xynthia and Theseus.
Added on: 2010-05-06 14:22:03 by Jean-Paul Vanderlinden
The violent European windstorm Xynthia crossed Western Europe on 26–28 February 2010. Due to its high impact on environment, economics and society, Xynthia brought the need for coastal protection again under the attention. Theseus was presented as a new innovative program of Europe to protect coastal zones.
Theseus captured the attention of the environmental department of Cantabria.
Added on: 2010-05-04 10:02:27 by Barbara Zanuttigh
During a worktask meeting in Santander, Barbara Zanuttigh and Inigo Losada got a visit from Francisco Martin from the Environmental Department Cantabria. ...
Video on wave simulation experiments
Added on: 2010-04-21 13:36:47 by Silva, Rodolfo
The Hydraulic Research group of the University of Mexico, UNAM launched a movie explaining experiments on wave impacts and wave energy. By using a wave tunnel, the impact of waves can be invesitgated under different watertable levels. Play
THESEUS in the Spanish News
Added on: 2010-04-21 13:32:42 by del Amo, Marta
Europa lucha contra la subida de las aguas. La Comisión Europea ha invertido más de 13 millones de euros en dos proyectos para asegurar el futuro de la costa...
Rising currents exhibition in New York City
Added on: 2010-04-21 13:31:37 by Claus, Simon
The Museum of Modern Art in New York opens an exhibition on how New York City can face the challenge of rising sea levels and storm surges. The exhibition was realised as a cooperation between hydraulic engineers, architects and artists.
Video on water safety
Added on: 2010-04-21 13:24:25 by de Vries, Wout
The traces left by storm Xynthia has many in western Europe wondering what it would take to "climate-proof" their coast. A 9 minutes promo video on the water safety of the Netherlands and abroad brings this 'Theseus' theme under attention! Play

THESEUS launched
Added on: 2010-04-21 11:23:33 by Claus, Simon
The THESEUS Kick Off Meeting took place from 09-11th of December in the historic centre of Venice. The second day, the THESEUS consortium visited the construction works of the MOSE project and its complementary measures such as coastal reinforcement, the raising of quaysides and paving and improvement of the lagoon environment. The Venice Lagoon is one of the eight study-sites that will be studied during the project.[Add]