Average price of residential property in Euro (flats, small, large and medium-sized houses) and average price of the m² of building land, in coastal municipalities, compared to the wider sub-region.
Description :
The average price of residential property is derived from the average price paid during transactions on the housing market for a given year.The increasing demand for second and holiday homes in coastal areas may cause particularly the younger/lower waged people to be priced out of the market. This information should support and steer (social) housing policies.
Fact sheet :
Interactive graph
Data providers
Price of property
Average price of property
Average price of property excluding 'Greater London'
Average price of flats
Average price of flats excluding 'Greater London'
Average price of large houses
Average price of large houses excluding 'Greater London'
Average price of small and medium sized houses
Average price of small and medium sized houses excluding 'Greater London'