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1. Francisco Pina, University of Seville (USE), Seville, Spain
2. Davorin Tome, Slovenian National Institute of Biology (NIB), Ljubljana, Slovenia
3. Bart Vanhoorne, Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Oostende, Belgium
4. Pascal Tschudin, Swiss Systematics Society (SSS), Genève, Switzerland
5. Eckhard von Raab-Straube, Freie Un. Berlin, Botanic Garden, Botanic Museum (BGBM), Berlin, Germany
6. Christos Arvanitidis, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Heraklion, Greece
7. Phillip Boegh, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Copenhagen, Denmark
8. Gianniantonio Domina, University Palermo, Department Botanical Sciences (DPCE), Palermo, Italy
9. Ward Appeltans, Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Oostende, Belgium
10. Alan Paton, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew (RBGK), Kew, UK
11. Nicola Nicolson, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew (RBGK), Kew, UK
12. Fabio Stoch, Scientific Committee for the Italian Fauna (CSFI), Roma, Italy
13. David Tarkhnishvili, Ilia Chavchavadze State University (ILIAUNI), Tbilisi, Georgia
14. Francesco M. Raimondo, University Palermo, Department Botanical Sciences (DPCE), Palermo, Italy
15. Bella Galil, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research (IOLR), Haifa, Israel
16. Elisabeth Stur, Museum of Natural History and Archaeology - Un. Sci. and Techn. (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
17. Louis Boumans, Zoological Museum, University of Amsterdam (ZMA-UvA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
18. Charles Hussey, Natural History Museum (NHM), London, UK
19. Alexi Popov, National Museum of Natural History - Sofia (NMNHS), Sofia, Bulgaria
20. Volodymyr Vladymyrov, A.O.Kovalevsky Inst. of Biol. of the Southern Seas (IBSS), Sevastopol, Ukraine
21. Eduard Stloukal, Comenius University Bratislava (CUB), Bratislava, Slovakia
22. Yde de Jong, Zoological Museum, University of Amsterdam (ZMA-UvA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
23. Monika Kedra, Institute of Oceanology of Polish Academy of Sciences (IOPAN), Sopot, Poland
24. Nihat Aktaç, University of Trakya (TU), Edirne, Turkey
25. Benito Valdés, University of Seville (USE), Seville, Spain
26. Ellinor Michel, International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature (ITZN), London, UK
27. Selçuk Yurtsever, University of Trakya (TU), Edirne, Turkey
28. Paul Kirk, CAB International (CABI), Surrey, UK
29. Mike Guiry, National University of Ireland (NUIG), Galway, Ireland
30. Juliana Kouwenberg, Zoological Museum, University of Amsterdam (ZMA-UvA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
31. Ahmet Asan, University of Trakya (TU), Edirne, Turkey
32. Roy Kleukers, National Museum of Natural History Naturalis (NNM), Leiden, The Netherlands
33. Wieslaw Bogdanowicz, Museum and Institute of Zoology - Polish Academy of Sciences (MIZPAN), Warsaw, Poland
34. Marian Ramos, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Madrid, Spain
35. Henrik Enghoff, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Copenhagen, Denmark
36. Voldemars Spungis, University of Latvia (LU), Riga, Latvia
37. Karol Marhold, Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences (IBSAS), Bratislava, Slovakia
38. Eduardas Budrys, Institute of Ecology of Vilnius University (VUEI), Vilnius, Lithuania
39. Dan Lear, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (MBA), Plymouth, United Kingdom
40. Walter Berendsohn, Freie Un. Berlin, Botanic Garden, Botanic Museum (BGBM), Berlin, Germany