Outreach activities

EventTypeTitlePeople reachedDateResponsible partner
H2OCEAN kick-off meeting Barcelona (Spain) Presentation MERMAID  H2OCEAN and TROPOS partners 2012-01-19 DTU
TROPOS kick-off meeting Telde, Gran Canaria (Spain) Presentation MERMAID  H2OCEAN and TROPOS partners 2012-02-09 DTU
8th International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (PIANC-COPEDEC VIII), IIT Madras, Chennai (India) Paper Wave liquefaction in soils with clay content. More than 300 people reached 2012-02-20 DTU, ITU
Presentation for a group of hydraulic, coastal and offshore engineering companies Presentation MERMAID 11 companies 2012-02-23 DTU
Alger 2012 Bodo (Norway) Presentation Agronomy of Seaweed cultivation 100 people: Norwegian authorities, stakeholders, investors,… 2012-05-23 HORT
Article in DTU anual report Popular article The Ocean – ”Industrial district” of the future Published in 1000 copies also on the internet 2012-06 DTU
4th SAR oceanography workshop - "Advances in SAR Oceanography" (SeaSAR 2012), Tromso (Norway) Paper and poster Seafloor topography modelling in Northern Adriatic Sea using Synthetic Aperture Radar About 10 people reached 2012-06-20 ISPRA
22nd Annual Conference of ISOPE (International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers), Rhodes (Greece) Presentation Residual Liquefaction under Standing Waves Over 1000 participants 2012-06-21 DTU, ITU
News article in Europapress.es Press release La UC participa en un proyecto para desarrollar energía eólica marina Over 10.000 people 2012-07-24 UC
6th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, August 27-31, 2012, Paris (France) Paper Edge scour in current adjacent to stone covers. More than 100 people reached 2012-08-27 DTU
International workshop - "Euro-Mediterranean Energy cooperation: working together for a better policy and sustainable energy" Sliema (Malta) Presentation Innovative multi-purpose offshore platforms - The EU-MERMAID project About 100 participants 2012-09-11 EEWRC
1st International Seagriculture Sea (Weed) Farming Commodities Conference 2012, Zeeland (The Netherlands) Presentation Agronomy of Seaweed cultivation 50 people: Dutch R&D's and international seaweed researchers 2012-09-18 HORT
TUBITAK web page and e-mail news feed database Press release Success story of MERMAID (in Turkish)   2012-09-20 ITU
Media call and press release for the 2nd project meeting of MERMAID (Turkey) Press release   Almost 40% of the Turkisch population 2012-09-21 ITU
4th International Conference on Ocean Energy 2012 Convention (ICOE) Dublin (Ireland) Poster Numerical modelling of the hydrodynamics around the farm of Wave Activated Bodies (WAB) Over 750 international experts and world-leading companies in ocean energy 2012-10-17 UniBo
Elected council of the European Association of Environmental and resources economics (EARE) Presentation The MERMAID project: investigation the potential of an EAERE workshop on the economics of marine waters.   2012-10 AUEB
Article in Newsletter of AUEB Energy and Sustainability Club Press release Research on Innovative Multi - purpose Offshore Platforms in Greece   2012-10 AUEB
LITTORAL 2012: Coasts of tomorrow Ostend (Belgium) Poster MERMAID 200 coastal professionals; session on theme infrastrucutres 2012-11 VLIZ
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences & Evolution and Ecology Research Centre University of New South Wales, Sydney (Australia) Presentation Conservation challenges in marine urban seascapes: combining ecological principles to the design of marine urban infrastructures 50 people 2012-11-16 UniBo
EWACC 2012 - "Building Bridges", Nicosia, (Cyprus) Poster Marine Research: MERMAID and PERSEUS projects Participants from the Mediterranean, Europe, North Africa and Middle East regions. 2012-12-10 EEWRC
Article about 2nd MERMAID meeting in Istanbul Popular article Avrupa Denizlerinde Yenilikçi Platformlar Proje Toplantisi ITÜ’de Düzenlendi Quarterly journal that reaches ITU alumni, ITU personnel, related universities and governmental organisations in Turkey 2013-01 ITU
Article about MERMAID on e-kefalonia.net, inkefalonia.gr, kefaloniapress.gr,  ithacanews.gr, kefaloniaphotonews.gr, anexarttitos.gr, mykefalonia.com, kefalonizw.com, ionianpress.gr Press release Δελτίο τύπου «Project MERMAID» (Press Release “MERMAID project”)   2013-01-08 KF
European Wind Energy Association Event (EWEA 2013), Vienna (Austria) Poster A CASE STUDY OF MULTI-USE OFFSHORE PLATFORMS One of the largest wind conferences in the world;
more than 8500 participants from over 60 countries
2013-02-04 Statoil
DEOS Working Papers from Athens University of Economics and Business Paper Methodology for Integrated Socio-Economic Assessment of Offshore Platforms: Towards Facilitation of the Implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive   2013-02-19 AUEB, WP8 partners
9th FZK Colloquium - "Modelling of marine construction and coastal engineering" Hannover (Germany) Poster EU-MERMAID project - Innovative Multi-purpose Offshore Platforms: Planning, Design and Operation   2013-02-26 LWI
Invited seminar at the University of Padova, Padova (Italy) Presentation Evoluzione e conservazione marina - l’urbanizzazione degli ambienti costieri. 100 people 2013-03-20 UniBo
9° incontro dottorandi in Ecologia e Scienze Ambientali AIOL-SITE. Milan (Italy) Presentation The quality of marine infrastructures as habitats for epibiota: Grazing pressure on canopy forming algae in artificial structures vs. natural reefs. 50 people 2013-04-15 UniBo
Phd thesis defence. University of Bologna (Italy) Thesis Analysis and development of ecologically based approaches to coastal defence   2013-04-29 UniBo
16th International Conference on Economics of Infrastructures, Delft University of Technology (the Netherlands) Presentation MERMAID   2013-05 DELTARES
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, ASCE Publication Residual Liquefaction of Seabed Under Standing Waves   2013-05 DTU
Coastal Engineering, Elsevier Publication Sinking of irregular shape blocks into marine seabed under wave-induced liquefaction Publication in an SCI journal 2013-05 DTU, ITU
Invited seminar at Geological Survey Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Santa Cruz (USA) Presentation The effects of altered sedimentation regimes on coastal benthic communites 40 people 2013-05-22 UniBo
ENERMAR 2013, Cádiz (Spain) Presentation Innovative multi-purpose offshore platforms: planning, Design and operation 60 people 2013-06-27 UC
26th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Baltimore, Maryland (USA) Presentation Combining ecological principles to the design of marine infrastructures to preserve native biodiversity in marine urban seascapes > 1000 people 2013-07-21 UniBo
Msc Thesis defence. Technical University of Denmark Presentation Edge scour at scour protections around offshore wind turbine foundations in waves Participants from Rambøll, DNV, DTU and DHI. 2013-08-02 DTU
Aquaculture Europe Conference, Trondheim (Norway) Presentation Economic feasibility of offshore seaweed production in the north sea   2013-08-09 WuR-DLO
Aquaculture Europe Conference, Trondheim (Norway) Paper Economic feasibility of offshore seaweed production in the north sea   2013-08-09 WuR-DLO
Coastal Engineering, Elsevier Publication Transmission of wave energy through an offshore wind turbine farm   2013-08-10 DTU
10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC2013), Aalborg (Denmark) Paper Recent Advances in the Development of Wave Energy Converters more than 400 participants 2013-09-02 LWI, UniBo, ENEL
10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC2013), Aalborg (Denmark) Poster Wave disturbance induced by a one-line array of floating Wave Energy Converters Around 400 international experts and world-leading companies in ocean energy 2013-09-02 UniBo
10th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC2013), Aalborg (Denmark) Presentation Experimental assessment of the mooring influence on the power output of floating Wave Activated Body WECs Around 400 international experts and world-leading companies in ocean energy 2013-09-02 UniBo
Inviated seminar at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories (USA) Presentation The loss and recovery potential of Mediterranean forests of fucoid algae 40 people 2013-09-05 UniBo
Researcher’s night, Science Rocks, Lemesos (Cyprus) Poster Marine Environment Research Present at event to educate the public on current research projects 2013-09-27 EEWRC
La noche de los investigadores (Researchers night) , Cantabria (Spain) Presentation Presente y futuro de las energías renovables marinas (Present and future of marine renewable energies) 100 people 2013-09-27 UC
Invited seminar at University of Hawaii at Manoa (USA) Presentation Anthropogenic marine ecosystems: preserving native biodiversity in increasingly urbanised seascapes 40 people 2013-09-27 UniBo
4th CoastDoc Workshop 2013, Hannover (Germany) Presentation Wave Energy Converter Technology: Current Status, Challenges and Future Directions 50 to 100 people 2013-09-30 LWI
Workshop "Identification of research needs with regard to socio-economic analysis under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)" Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission in Ispra (Italy) Presentation Socio-Economic Analysis in MERMAID FP7 Project.   2013-10-10 AUEB
ECSA 53: Estuaries and coastal areas in times of intense change Shanghai (China) Poster Mainstreaming of Copernicus earth observation value added products for coastal ecosystem analysis 1000 people 2013-10-15 ISPRA
3rd International Marine Protected Areas Congress, Marseille & Corsica (France) Presentation The potential role of Marine Protected Areas in the conservation and restoration of Mediterranean marine forests Expected >200 people 2013-10-21 UniBo
40th CIESM Congress in Marseille (France) Presentation Conservation and restoration of Cystoseira forests in the Mediterranean sea: The role of marine protected areas 300 people 2013-10-28 UniBo
40th CIESM Congress in Marseille (France) Paper Conservation and restoration of Cystoseira forests in the Mediterranean sea: The role of marine protected areas 300 people 2013-10-28 UniBo
40th CIESM Congress in Marseille (France) Poster Conservation and restoration of Cystoseira forests in the Mediterranean sea: The role of marine protected areas 300 people 2013-10-28 UniBo
European Ocean Energy, Edinburgh (UK) Presentation MERMAID, Innovative multi-purpose offshore platforms: planning, Design and operation. Around 50 attendees at the session 2013-10-29 DTU
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Publication Sinking failure of scour protection at wind turbine foundation   2013-11-01 DTU
Storm Surge Network Event Venice (Italy) Presentation Multitemporal observations of extreme met-ocean conditions from Envisat ASAR and Copernicus Optical parameters 100 people 2013-11-19 ISPRA
Advances in Oceanography and Limnology Publication Conservation and restoration of marine forests in the Mediterranean Sea and the potential role of Marine Protected Areas   2013-11-20 UniBo
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering , ASCE Publication Influence of clay content on wave-induced liquefaction   2013-11-27 DTU, ITU
Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering Book Liquefaction Around Marine Structures   2014-03 DTU
Renewable Energy Publication Wave-power absorption from a finite array of Oscillating Wave Surge Converter   2014-03 UR3
Journal of Hydraulic Research Publication Flow–structure–seabed interactions in coastal and marine environments   2014-03-03 DTU
European Wind Energy Association Event (EWEA 2014), Barcelona (Spain) Poster Innovative Multi-Use Offshore Farm at Atlantic Ocean Site   2014-03-10 UC
Eco news Press release Coverage of Eco news on Mermaid meeting in Greece   2014-03-20 AUEB
2nd International Conference on Research Infrastructures; ICRI Conference satellite event: iMarine FP7 project. Megaron Athens (Greece) Presentation The Ocean of Tommorrow: The Economics of Energy Production on Offshore Platforms in European Seas.   2014-04-02 AUEB
The 5th Offshore Mariculture Conference, Naples (Italy) Presentation and paper Aquaculture as part of a multi-use platform. Around 75 attendees at the session 2014-04-09 DTU
Texel, 't Horntje Opening Seaweed Center at NIOZ/Hortimare (the Netherlands) Exhibition Opening of the Seaweed Centre by HM King Willem Alexander 600 people 2014-04-15 HORT
Press Conference at Flanders marine institute (VLIZ), Ostend (Belgium) Press release Press conference about the MERMAID movie in cooperation with the Belgian minister for the North Sea   2014-04-23 VLIZ
The Mermaid Project booklet Popular publication The Mermaid project - Innovative multi-purpose offshore platforms.   2014-05-06 VLIZ
The Mermaid Dissemination Movie Popular publication MERMAID-project 'Designing multi-purpose offshore platforms' dissemination movie   2014-05-15 VLIZ
EUROPEAN MARITIME DAY, "Innovation driving Blue Growth” Bremen (Germany) Presentation MERMAID, Innovative multi-purpose offshore platforms: planning, Design and operation. Around 75 attendees at the session 2014-05-19 DTU, DHI, UniBO
News on DTU web page Press release The ocean - future source of energy and food
Havet, fremtidens kilde til energi og fødevarer
  2014-05-22 DTU
Article in Ruimte Popular publication Offshore windmolens in de Belgische Noordzee   2014-06 VLIZ
IEEE GOLD Remote Sensing Conference, Berlin (Germany) Paper Generation of gridded Ocean Color products from MERIS: an efficient processing chain 50 people 2014-06-05 ISPRA
PhD Thesis defence Thesis Density-Driven Currents and Deposition of Fine Materials 50 people 2014-06-06 DTU
COCONET Workshop on Offshore Wind Farm development in the Mediterranean and Black Sea. HCMR, Athens (Greece) Presentation The Ocean of Tommorrow: The Economics of Energy Production on Offshore Platforms in European Seas.   2014-06-09 AUEB
33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE2014), San Francisco (USA) Presentation and paper Physical and numerical modelling of mooring forces and displacements of a Wave Activated Body Energy Converterartificial structures. More than 900 international experts and world-leading companies in ocean energy 2014-06-11 UniBo
International Conference on Coastal Engineering ICCE 2014, Soul (South Korea) Presentation and paper Impact of an offshore wind farm on wave conditions and shoreline development. Around 75 attendees at the session 2014-06-15 DTU, DHI
International Conference on Coastal Engineering ICCE 2014, Soul (South Korea) Presentation Influence of clay content on residual liquefaction in waves.   2014-06-15 DTU, ITU
International Conference on Coastal Engineering ICCE 2014, Soul (South Korea) Presentation Numerical simulation of wave-induced scour and backfilling below submarine pipelines.   2014-06-15 DTU
International Conference on Coastal Engineering ICCE 2014, Soul (South Korea) Presentation Numerical modeling of backfilling process around monopiles   2014-06-15 DTU
Marine Ecological Restoration (MER) Workshop. Eilat (Israel) Presentation Integration of man-made structures into conservation and restoration projects.   2014-06-22 UniBo
7th ECMAR Annual General Assembly, Brussels (Belgium) Presentation MERMAID, Innovative multi-purpose offshore platforms: planning, Design and operation. Around 20 attendees at the meeting 2014-06-23 DTU
Workshop - ENERGIA DAL MARE ”Le Nuove Tecnologie Per i Mari Italiani” Rome (Italy) Presentation Produzione di energia dal mare in installazioni off-shore multi-funzionali. Around 40 Italian people, leader on the wave energy sector (academia and industry) 2014-07 UniBo
Horizon magazine Popular article The offshore multiplexes taking shape along Europe's coast   2014-08-15 DTU
PhD Thesis submitted to Technical University of Denmark Thesis Scour around offshore Wind turbine foundations   2014-08-26 DTU
IBW PAN Publishers, Gdańsk Book The Puzzle of Soil Liquefaction   2014-09 IBW PAN
Archives of Mechanics Publication Mechanics of seabed liquefaction and resolidification   2014-09 IBW PAN
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering Publication Flow and edge scour in current adjacent to stone covers   2014-10-16 DTU
ACE 2014 - 11th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, Istanbul (Turkey) Presentation and paper Recent Developments on Wave-Induced Liquefaction of Marine Seabed +1000 People 2014-10-21 ITU
Earth Observation for Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Science 2014, Frascati (Italy) Paper On the feasibility of the use of wind SAR to downscale waves on shallow water 200 People 2014-10-28 ISPRA, UC
8th Turkish Conference on Coastal Engineering, Istanbul (Turkey) Presentation Sinking Damage of Heavy Structures in the Case of Wave-Induced Liquefaction of Sea Bed (in Turkish) +250 People 2014-11-07 ITU
8th Turkish Conference on Coastal Engineering, Istanbul (Turkey) Presentation Investigation of Performance Parameters for an Overtopping Type Wave Energy Converter (in Turkish) +250 People 2014-11-07 ITU
8th Turkish Conference on Coastal Engineering, Istanbul (Turkey) Presentation Today and Tomorrow of Multiuse Offshore Platforms in European Seas: The MERMAID Project (in Turkish) +250 People 2014-11-07 ITU
First Mares Conference Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation, Olhão (Portugal) Presentation Identifying effective management scenarios for multiple human stressors: an example with Mediterranean canopy-forming seaweeds  300 people 2014-11-18 UniBo
Maritime Implications of Climate Change, Venice (Italy) Presentation Marine monitoring to support the Maritime Spatial Planning   2014-11-24 ISPRA
Third Convention of FEEM Research Programme on Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Venice (Italy) Presentation Measuring Economic Values & Integrating them in Interdisciplinary Management of Natural Resources & other Public Goods   2014-11-24 AUEB
The Ocean of Tomorrow projects : what results so far? Showing of Mermaid Movie MERMAID movie was used to open the conference   2014-11-27 VLIZ
The Ocean of Tomorrow projects : what results so far? Presentation Mermaid Project   2014-11-27 DTU
Springer Publication A socio-economic framework for assessing off-shore platforms investments   2014-12 AUEB
Archives of Hydro-Engineering & Environmental Mechanics Publication The dilation and modelling of sands in the light of experimental data   2014-12 IBW PAN
Coastal Engineering, Elsevier Publication Numerical simulation of wave-induced scour and backfilling processes beneath submarine pipelines   2014-12 DTU
Geotechnical Engineering Publication Advances in Seabed Liquefaction and Its Implications for Marine Structures   2014-12 DTU
7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-7), Perth (Australia) Paper Numerical calculation of backfilling of scour holes   2014-12-02 DTU
7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-7), Perth (Australia) Paper Edge scour at scour protections around offshore Wind turbine foundations   2014-12-02 DTU
7th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE-7), Perth (Australia) Paper A review of recent advances in numerical modelling of local scour problems   2014-12-02 DTU
Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences Publication Numerical investigation of flow and scour around a vertical circular cylinder   2014-12-15 DTU
AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco (USA) Poster Towards integrated assessment of the northern Adriatic Sea sediment budget using remote sensing   2014-12-16 ISPRA
AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco (USA) Poster Multitemporal analysis of remote sensing and in situ data for the study of delta systems   2014-12-16 ISPRA
Diversity and Distributions Publication Corridors for aliens but not for natives: effects of marine urban sprawl at a regional scale   2015-02-02 UniBo
Invited lecture at ETH Zurich, Department of Management, Technology and Economics (Switzerland) Presentation Measuring & Integrating Economic Value in Interdisciplinary Water Resources Management   2015-02-24 AUEB
EAWAG Department of Environment and social sciences, Zurich (Switzerland) Presentation Measuring & Integrating Economic Values in Interdisciplinary Management of Natural Resources & other Public Goods   2015-02-25 AUEB
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Publication Marine urbanization: an ecological framework for designing multifunctional artificial structures   2015-03-02 UniBo
EWEA Offshore 2015, Copenhagen (Denmark) Poster A case study of multi-use platform: Aquaculture in offshore wind farms   2015-03-10 Statoil
Envecon 2015: Applied Environmental Economics Conference, London (UK) Presentation Methodology for integrated socio-economic assessment of offshore platforms in the context of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive   2015-03-13 AUEB
Winter School in ”Introduction to Off-Shore and Marine System Engineering” Ravenna (Italy) Presentation Marine Systems and Exploitation of Marine Resources   2015-03 UniBo
PlosONE Publication Management of local stressors can improve the resilience of marine canopy algae to global stressors   2015-03 UniBo
Sustainability Publication Boosting Blue Growth in a Mild Sea: Analysis of the Synergies Produced by a Multi-Purpose Offshore Installation in the Northern Adriatic, Italy   2015-05-11 UniBo
Sentinel-3 for Science workshop, Venice (Italy) Poster Comparison of Sentinel-3 OLCI simulated data with MERIS for Ocean Color parameter estimation 200 people 2015-06-02 ISPRA
Sentinel-3 for Science workshop, Venice (Italy) Poster Total Suspended Matter (TSM) and maximum signal depth (Z90_max) for monitoring the evolution of sediment resuspension processes in shallow coastal environments 200 people 2015-06-02 ISPRA
Coastal Engineering Publication Sinking of armour layer around a vertical cylinder exposed to waves and current   2015-06 DTU
EWACC2015 3rd International Conference on Energy, Water and Climate Changes, Nicosia (Cyprus) Paper A scientifically-driven approach to develop new class of aquaculture farms   2015-06-15 IBW PAN
XIII Jornadas Españolas de Ingeniería de Costas y Puertos, Avilés (Spain) Paper Diseño de una plataforma eolico-undimotriz flotante   2015-06-24 UC
IGARSS 2015, Milan (Italy) Poster Ten years sediment dynamics in northern Adriatic Sea investigated through optical Remote Sensing observations 2000 people 2015-07-26 ISPRA
Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica Publication Liquefaction of Saturated Soil and the Diffusion Equation   2015-08-28 IBW PAN
Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica Publication Theoretical Analysis of Model Seabed Behavior under Water Wave Excitation   2015-08-28 IBW PAN
ECSA 2015 (55th Conference of Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association), London (United Kingdom) Presentation Investigation of coastal sedimentation by Earth Observation: innovative approaches 200 people 2015-09-06 ISPRA
ECSA 2015 (55th Conference of Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association), London (United Kingdom) Poster Deltaic vulnerability: the role of landscape patches in flood regulation and climate adaptation 200 people 2015-09-06 ISPRA
Ecology at the interface 2015, Rome (Italy) Presentation Using the satellite image archives for coastal and marine ecosystem services monitoring 200 people 2015-09-21 ISPRA
SedNet 2015, Kraków (Poland) Poster The application of spectral radiometry for sediments characterization 200 people 2015-09-23 ISPRA
IH Cantabria Visit by policy makers Visit of the Regional Government President (Miguel Ángel Revilla) to IH Cantabria 20 people 2015-09 UC
The Mermaid final outcomes booklet Popular publication Go offshore - Combining food and energy production   2015-11 DTU
Frontiers in Marine Science Publication Blue growth and economics   2015-11-05 AUEB
Naval Architecs College. Polytechnical University of Madrid Presentation Estado actual perspectiva de las energías marinas en España   2015-11-24 UC
Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy Publication Longitudinal dispersion of heavy particles in an oscillating tunnel and application to wave boundary layers   2015-12-01 ITU, DTU
Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics Publication Liquefaction Resistance of a Granular Soil Containing Some Admixtures of Fines   2015-12-01 IBW PAN
Jornada Técnica “Energía undimotriz. Repercusión en el principado de Asturias”, Gyon (Spain) Presentation Las plataformas multipropósito para las energías offshore   2015-12-03 UC
News on DTU web page Press release Fødevare- og energiproduktion: nye muligheder for offshore industrien   2015-12-14 DTU
Mermaid End user Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark Conference Mermaid End user Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark   2015-12-15 DTU, VLIZ
Coastal Engineering Publication Edge scour at scour protections around piles in the marine environment — Laboratory and field investigation   2015-12 DTU
Sustainability — Open Access Journal Publication Sustainable Management of Marine Resources under Uncertainty: Economic, Environmental, and Social Aspects   2015-12 AUEB
IBW PAN Publishers, Gdańsk, 2015 Book Geotechnical Aspects of Multi-Use Offshore Platforms   2015 IBW PAN
Ingeniería Naval Paper Plataformas Multipropósito offshore para la extracción de energía eólica y undimotriz, metodología y desarrollo realizado en el IH Cantabria   2015 UC
Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, submitted Publication The pull-out capacity of suction caissons in model investigations   2015 IBW PAN
Archives of Hydro-Engineering and Environmental Mechanics, in press Publication Compaction/liquefaction properties of some model sands   2015 IBW PAN
ASME 2016 International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, Busan, South Korea. Paper Laboratory and numerical hydrodynamic study of a floating platform with three integrated OWCS   2016-06-19 UC
International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2016), Istanbul, Turkey Poster and abstract Hydraulic model tests on wave attenuation by seaweed   2016-07-17 LWI
International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE 2016), Istanbul, Turkey. Presentation Life cycle assessment of a multi-use offshore platform: Combining wind and wave energy production in Atlantic   2016-11-17 ITU
Springer Book Innovative Multi-Purpose Offshore Platforms: Economic Engineering and Ecological Perspectives. To be published by Springer, Series: Studies in Ecological Economics   2016 AUEB
Springer Book The Ocean of Tomorrow (Vol. I and II): Socio-economic Methodology and Empirical Applications for Multi-Use Offshore Platforms Investments.   2016 AUEB
Article in handbook Paper A Socio-Economic Framework for Integrating Multi-Use Offshore Platforms in Sustainable Blue Growth Management: Theory and Applications   2016 AUEB
5th International Exergy, Life Cycle Assessment, and Sustainability Workshop & Symposium (ELCAS-5) Presentation Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Multi-use Ocean Space   2017-07-09 ITU
Ocean Engineering Publication Life Cycle Assessment of a multi-use offshore platform: Combining wind and wave energy production   2017-11-15 ITU


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