Integrated Risk Assessment and Monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal zone

META- database INTEGRATED database
WIKI Portal on
Marine Ecotoxicology
ED North database


  • METADATABASE of project activities __________________________________________________________________________________________

  • This database contains data on cruises, datasets, publications, persons, conferences etc. This database is freely accessible to the public and allows for information and data transfer to global repositories (e.g. CSR for ICES, metadata for SeaDataNet and IODE/GCMD).

    Access the INRAM metadata database

    The metadatabase of the ENDIS-RISKS project can be consulted on the ENDIS-RISKS website.


  • This will be the central database integrating the data collected by the different project partners for SPSD II - ENDIS-RISKS and SSD-INRAM projects. The partners are responsible for indicating which part of the database, or with which level of abstraction/data reduction, these data are made available to the public.

    Not all the ENDIS-RISKS data are publicly available yet! The part of the data that is available, can be consulted here. As soon as the INRAM data become public, they will also be accessible using this search interface. In the mean time, all data are available to the project partners on the restricted part of this website.

    Data generated during INRAM will be transferred according to the rules of the Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO)to the IDOD database which is managed by the BMDC - MUMM. The data will thus also be accessible at


  • WIKI DATABASE Portal on Marine Ecotoxicology __________________________________________________________________________________________

  • This portal has been set up for a broad public. Its purpose is to inform about and to clarify recent Belgian (and some Dutch) research related to marine ecotoxicology. Through case studies at different trophic levels you will get acquainted with different groups of toxic substances and their effects on marine and estuarine organisms.

    Access the Portal on Marine Ecotoxicoloy

  • ED-North Antrophogenic endocrine disruptors

  • This is a database containing the data that where gathered during the SPSD-I research project 'Evaluation of possible impacts of endocrine disruptors on the North Sea ecosystem'. It is a MS Access relational database that contains 423 references, 765 chemicals and 2355 test cases. A more detailed description on the structure and contents of the database is given in HERE.

    Access the ED North Database

INRAM is a project Supported by the Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO): SSD Science for sustainable Development
General coordination: Colin Janssen
Hosted by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)