Integrated Risk Assessment and Monitoring of micropollutants in the Belgian coastal zone

ED-NORTH database

The ED-North database is a database containing the data that where gathered during the SPSD I research project 'Evaluation of possible impacts of endocrine disruptors on the North Sea ecosystem'. This ED-NORTH project aimed at establishing a clear overview of the increasing volume of available scientific literature on endocrine disruption. Specific objectives were: to address the uncertainties presently associated with the issue of environmental endocrine disruption; to specify future research and policy needs; to accomplish these tasks specifically for endocrine modulating activity in the marine environment.

Based on the available scientific literature a list and electronic database of chemicals with (potential) endocrine disruptive activity was developed. This relational database contains information on the hormone disrupting potential, including effects and physico-chemical properties of these chemicals. Chemicals of which enough data was available on the environmental concentrations in the North Sea and the sources and endocrine effects they cause were prioritised. Finally, future research and policy needs were formulated based on these results.

The ED-North database is a MS Access relational database that contains 423 references, 765 chemical compounds and 2355 test cases. A search interface to this database provides the possibility to search on chemical compound, described effect and author. An entire list of compounds can be obtained by leaving the search fields blank.

To search the ED-North database, go to the search form.

The database was developed by the Research Group Environmental Toxicology, Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology, Ghent University, Belgium. For queries about the data, please contact Colin Janssen or Tim Verslycke .
Development of the ED-North database search interface was carried out by Francisco Hernandez of the Flanders Marine Institute.

Below you find an alfabethic list of the abbreviations that are being used in the database:

a.i.Active ingredient
ABGAndrogen binding globulin
ABPAndrogen binding protein
ACTHAdrenocorticotrophic hormone
AGDAnogenital distance
AhRArylhydrocarbon receptor
ALHAmplitude of lateral head displacement (of sperm)
ARAndrogen receptor
CAFChorioallantoic fluid
cAMPCyclic adenosine 3'5'-monophosphate
CFCondition factor
ChECholine esterase
CMPCypris major protein
CoMFAComparative molecular field analysis
CRCortisol receptor
CYP450Cytochrome P450
DbHDopamine b-hydroxylase
EC100Effect concentration for 100% of the organisms exposed
EC50Effect concentration for 50% of the organisms exposed
EEQ17b-estradiol equivalent concentration
EREstrogen receptor
ERODEthoxyresorufin o-deethylase
FOMFinal oocyte maturation
FSHFollicle stimulating hormone
G6PDGlucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
GAMGonadal-adrenal mesonephros
GnRHGonadotropin releasing hormone
GRGlucocorticoid receptor
GSIGonado somatic index (gonadal weight/total body weight)
GVBDGerminal vesicle breakdown
hARHuman androgen receptor
hCGHuman chorionic gonadotropin
hERHuman estrogen receptor
hPRHuman progesterone receptor
HSIHepatosomatic index (weight liver/total body weight)
ICInhibition concentration
IC50Inhibition concentration for 50% of the organisms exposed
KiInhibition constant
LA/BCLevator ani/bulbocavernosus
LHLuteinizing hormone
LOAELLowest observed adverse effect level
LOEC(max)Lowest concentration which induces maximal effect
LOELLowest observed effect level
MCF-7Estrogen-sensitive human breast cancer cells (E-Screen assay)
MEMalic enzyme
MeqMolar equivalents
MFOMixed function oxygenase
mGTHMytus gonadotropin
mPXRMouse pregnane X receptor
NAOELNo adverse observed effect level
NOELNo observed effect level
oLH-RHOvine luteinizing hormone releasing hormone
PAHPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
PBDEPolybrominated diphenyl ehter
PCB Polychlorinated biphenyl
pC50Negative log of the concentration required to displace 50% of bound ligand
PEPCKPhosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
PGCPrimordial germ cell
PKCProtein kinase C
PMSPregnant mare serum
PMSGPregnant mare serum gonadotropin
PPRRatio of the precloacal length to the posterior lobe of the plastron (sexually dimorphic characteristic)
PRProgesterone receptor
PRODPentoxyresorufin o-deethylase
PXRPregnane X receptor
QSARQuantitative structure-activity relationship
RARRetinoic acid receptor
RBARelative binding affinity
RTARelative transactivation activity
rhERRecombinant human estrogen receptor
RPERelative proliferative effect compared to 17b-estradiol
rtERRainbow trout estrogen receptor
SATSex accessory tissue
SDN-POASexually dimorphic nucleus of the preoptic area
SHBGSex hormone binding globulin
TEQTCDD toxic equivalent
THTyrosine hydroxulase
TPTestosterone propionate
TRThyroid receptor
TSDTemperature-dependent sex determinantion
TSHThyroid stimulating hormone (Thyrotropin)
INRAM is a project Supported by the Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO): SSD Science for sustainable Development
General coordination: Colin Janssen
Hosted by the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)