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Metadatabase of DIMAS-project
In this database you can browse freely in search of persons, institutes, e.a. which are involved in the project. Access the database
Interesting related databases
ECOTOX and ED-North
The ECOTOX-database is a database with properties and risk and safety phrases of poisonous chemicals transported over the North Sea, and ecotoxicology tests on these chemicals. To query this database, go to the search form on the VLIZ-website.
The ED-North database contains 423 references, 765 chemicals and 2355 test cases regarding antrophogenic endocrine disruptors. More information can be found by clicking here And the database can be queried through this search form on the ENDIS-RISKS website (see also 'Interesting related projects' below)
N-class database (Nordic Council of Ministers in collaboration with the European Chemicals Bureau).
This N-class database contains information about the classification of up to 7000 substances. The physico-chemical features and effects on man and environment of all substances enlisted in Annex I of Directive 67/548/EEC are described and these effects are used as a basis for classification of chemicals.
NSDB database (Nordic Council of Ministers)
The Nordic Substance Database (NSDB) was compiled with the specific purpose to screen the “chemical universe” for potential candidates for priority setting in regulatory regimes on as broad a basis as possible. NSDB contains information on about 18,000 substances or groups of substances. Experimental data on one or more parameters are included for more than 11,000 of those substances. Supplementary information on substances, such as physical/chemical properties are provided.
ESIS: European chemical Substances Information System
This database is accessible through the European Chemicals Bureau and is an IT-system which provides you with information on chemicals related to European inventories or lists (priority lists, CAS-register, EINECS…).
Interesting related projects
The ENDIS-RISKS project examines the endocrine disruption (the distribution, exposure and effects of man-made chemicals) in the Scheldt estuary. Take a look at the ENDIS-RISKS website for more information.
General coordination: Bram Versonnen, Marnix Vangheluwe Web site and databases hosted by VLIZ Web contact email |