CREST Guidance Committee °1 | CREST project

CREST Guidance Committee °1

Friday, January 15, 2016 - 10:00 to 13:00




9:30 Coffee


10:00 Welcome by Jaak Monbaliu (project coordinator)


10:10 The project - Valorisation

Jaak Monbaliu (project coordinator)


10:25 Activity 1: Multi-scale Modelling Tool

Erik Toorman (KU Leuven)


10:40 Activity 2: Advanced modelling of overtopping risks in coastal urban areas

Peter Troch (Ghent University)


10:55 Activity 3: Towards a better understanding of coastal processes: analysis of the resilience capacity of the natural and coastal urban areas

Rosalia Delgado (Flanders Hydraulics Research)


11:10 Coffee


11:30 Supporting Activity 1: Data, monitoring and techniques

Simon Claus (VLIZ)

Nathalie De Hauwere (VLIZ)


11:45 Supporting Activity 2: Climate change scenarios for the Belgian coast and impact on hydrodynamic and morphological parameters

Dries Van den Eynde (RBINS)


12:00 Supporting Activity 3: Communication and dissemination

Tina Mertens (VLIZ)


12:15 Discussion – Input of the end users


12:50 Closure


13:00 Lunch