CREST midterm conference | CREST project

CREST midterm conference

Thursday, November 23, 2017 - 10:00 to 16:30

On 1 November 2015 the CREST project officially started and runs for a period of four years. The end users are important to guide our research. During the mid-term conference on 23 November 2017 we asked their feedback to steer our research in the second half of the CREST project. Next to presentations of the preliminary results of CREST two interesting keynote speakers elaborated about their research.


9:30 Coffee


10:00 Welcome by Jaak Monbaliu (project coordinator)


10:10 Keynote ” Near shore processes and modelling tools” - Catherine Villaret (Coastal Modelling Solution company and researcher at the St Venant Laboratory of Hydraulics in Chatou)


10:50 Improving our knowledge of underwater physical processes

Erik Toorman (KU Leuven)

PhD pitches from Mohamed Ouda (KU Leuven) and Qinghui Zhang (KU Leuven)


11:15 Improving our knowledge of wave impact and overtopping

Peter Troch (Ghent University)

PhD pitches from Vincent Gruwez (Ghent University), Samuel Van Ackere (Ghent University)

and Ine Vandebeek (Ghent University/KU Leuven)


11:45 Innovation in coastal monitoring

Alain Dewulf (Ghent University)

PhD pitches from Glenn Strypsteen (KU Leuven) and Annelies Vandenbulcke (Ghent University)


12:15 Poster exhibition and demo session of monitoring techniques


12:45 Lunch


13:45 Keynote “Working with nature: the Sand Engine experience” - Marcel Stive (Professor Emeritus TUDelft)


14:25 Improving our knowledge of sediment transport at the coast

Toon Verwaest (Flanders Hydraulics Research)

PhD pitches from Anne-Lise Montreuil (VUB) and Evelien Brand (VUB)


14:50 Interactive intermezzo on citizen-science

Tina Mertens (VLIZ)


15:10 Data rescue

Nathalie De Hauwere (VLIZ)


15:30 Towards one set of climate change scenarios for the Belgian coast

Dries Van den Eynde (RBINS)


15:50 Closure


16:00 Networking reception