CREST Guidance Committee °4 | CREST project

CREST Guidance Committee °4

Wednesday, May 30, 2018 - 10:00 to 12:45
KU Leuven Campus Bruges



10:00 Welcome by Jaak Monbaliu (project coordinator)


10:10 Project Coastbusters

Tomas Sterckx (DEME)


10:30 Project RS4MODY

Margaret Chen (VUB)


10:40 Project ENDURE

Martijn Vandegehuchte (Ghent University)


11:00 Discussion


11:10 Scale model tests for the impact of waves on dikes

Vincent Gruwez (Ghent University)


11:30 Aeolian sand transport

Glenn Strypsteen (KU Leuven)

Anne-Lise Montreuil (VUB)

Evelien Brand (VUB)


12:10 Impact of climate change on storm surges and waves on the Belgian Continental Shelf

Stéphanie Ponsar (RBINS)

Dries Van den Eynde (RBINS)

Patrick Luyten (RBINS)


12:30 Closure


12:40 Network lunch