CREST final conference | CREST project

CREST final conference

Thursday, September 26, 2019 - 09:30 to 18:30


09:30-10:00   Registration | Welcome coffee

10:00-10:10   Welcome
Noémie Wouters, CEO GreenBridge  

10:10-11:00   CREST - General overview [presentation] [video]
Jaak Monbaliu, Project Coordinator

11:00-12:45    Pitch presentations: CREST take home messages

  • THEME 1: climate change including morphological evolution on long time scale (decades) for the Belgian coast as a whole [presentation]
  • THEME 2: morphodynamics on time scale of days (storms) to years (lifetime of nourishments) for the two pilot areas [presentation]
  • THEME 3: physical processes and innovation in modelling [presentation]
  • THEME 4: prediction of wave impact (overtopping and loads) on the dike during storms [presentation]

12:45-14:15    Lunch with poster exhibition & demo session of monitoring techniques

14:15-14:45    Keynote presentation - Wave-driven and Aeolian sand transport: Dutch experiences [presentation]
Gerben Ruessink, Utrecht University (NL)

14:45-15:45    Panel discussion: evaluation & foresight exercise

The panel members are Annelies Bolle (IMDC), Krien Hansen (Natuurpunt), Bernard Malherbe (Jan De Nul Group), Gerben Ruessink (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), Tomas Sterckx (Dredging International nv), Peter Van Besien (Flemish Government, Coastal Division)

15:45-16:00    Closing speech [presentation]
Jaak Monbaliu, Project Coordinator

16:00-17:00    Visit to the Coastal & Ocean wave Basin (COB) and Towing Tank

17:00-18:30    Network reception with the support of DEME

Practical information

GreenBridge, Wetenschapspark 1, 8400 Oostende, Belgium

Thursday, September 26th, from 9:30 until 18:30

Media gallery

Pictures of the conference are available at the following link.

Posters of the conference are available at the following link.