Inventory of EU Marine Climate Change Research

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SEAMOCS - Applied stochastic models for ocean engineering, climate and safe transportation

Summary information

Funding:FP6 - Marie Curie Actions
Ec contribution:2000000
Start date:2005-11-01
End date:2009-10-31
Duration:48 months
Coordinator:Georg Lindgren (
Organisation:Lunds Universitet - Sweden
Project name:SEAMOCS - Applied stochastic models for ocean engineering, climate and safe transportation
Project summary:The network shall bring together probabilists/statisticians, researchers in the marine and meteorological fields, and maritime safety enterprises on wave climate, information and databases, and the safety of marine transports, and offshore and coastal installations.

Much of the research in the area has been highly fragmented. There are few statisticians working actively with the very intricate problems arising in maritime safety, and naval engineering does not influence statistics research in a way that, for example, control engineering of life science research has done.

The idea behind the network is to bring together the best possible knowledge and research potential in the different fields in order to:
- Improve information extraction from marine data,
- Validate non-linear wave models from spectral properties,
- Improve extreme value analysis for climate and sea data,
- Improve computational tools for wave analysis and route simulation,
- Get better understanding of near-shore waves and hazards for coastal installations,
- Improve technique to determine stricter safety limits in marine design, regulation and operation.

The project website provides links to information and positions within the network.