Conference and Outreach Activities

The aim of work package 3, The Communication, is to join the elements from work packages The Science and The Public, and translate the knowledge into messages and recommendations at different levels that are understandable for the public at large, policy makers, NGOs, science communicators, media, teachers, etc. Depending on the group targeted, different strategies will be implemented to offer wide and balanced information: 

- International pan-European CLAMER conference, 15 September 2011, Brussels
This one day conference will highlight and review key European findings on climate change in the marine environment, their socio-economic implications and the way the European citizens perceive the issue, focussing on regional differences. The programme of the conference will consist of two parts. The plenary morning session will focus on the main outcomes of the work packages on research results and public perception & awareness. During the afternoon parallel workshop sessions will run which will be summarized plenary. The conference targets at policy-makers, scientists, NGO's, media, etc.

- 52" high definition documentary on 'climate change in European marine environments - impacts & perception'
This CLAMER documentary is directed by Com on Planet and sub-contracted by Océanopolis. The HD quality film is written in a format for international television and will be available on DVD. Filming takes place throughout Europe, touching upon a variety of marine climate change topics and giving the floor to people from various backgrounds.

- Brochure on climate change & European marine ecosystem research
   The project book will be edited by SAHFOS & CSIC. The backbone of the brochure are 12 topics, presenting an overview of the main research results on effects of climate change in the marine environments. The brochure will also zoom in on the highlights of the conference and the outreach activities. It will be written for the public at large and policy-makers.

- CLAMER website & portal
   This portal website will act as the main information guide of the project, the international conference and the results of the scientific inventory and public perception tasks.  Besides, it will be a portal for European information, educational tools and audiovisuals on the impacts and risks of climate change for the marine environment, on the adaptation of the environment and the socio-economic consequences. The various partners in the CLAMER project will use the portal as the main depository of the information and tools/products they produce.

- 'Marine Climate Change' side-events in line with CLAMER in European aquaria and marine institutes
   Over 30 aquaria and marine institutes, spread all over Europe, will participate in the 'marine climate change' side-events during the summer of 2011.  Their visitors will be informed about the impacts of climate change on the marine environments supported by a communication package provided by CLAMER. The communication package includes a cardboard cut-out display, fact sheets, an online quiz and a trailer of the CLAMER documentary. Through the display European citizens will be challenged to create a video message illustrating their concern for the marine environments future. A selection of the best video messages will be shown on the CLAMER website, a winner will be selected and invited to the CLAMER conference.

- Press coverage of the CLAMER project and conference
A dedicated international press release action is subcontracted to an expert bureau. Three press releases are planned, addressing various topics from physical oceanic changes over biological changes and societal impacts.

WP3 is coordinated by the Flanders Marine Institute