Natural Environment Research Council – British Antarctic Survey (NERC-BAS)
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is a component of the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). It has, for over 60 years, undertaken the majority of Britain's scientific research in and around the Antarctic and Arctic regions. NERC-BAS undertakes a world-class programme of scientific research, survey and long-term observations addressing key issues of global or fundamental importance that require access to the Polar Regions. The BAS-operated Rothera research base on the Antarctic Peninsula is the main site for marine science. Here BAS operates a year-round dive team, and flow-through aquarium. This is linked to a cooled aquarium in BAS Cambridge via a yearly logistics operation on the RRS Ernest Shackleton.
NERC-BAS also offers ASSEMBLE Plus access services in the UK and Antarctica.
BAS will offer transnational access (TA), and will contribute to NA3 and JRA1.