Call for application: PhD Studentship - Monitoring polar biodiversity
Call for application: PhD Studentship - Monitoring polar biodiversity
The British Antarctic Survey are seeking applicants for a PhD studentship on analysing polar ARMS (Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures) data. This project aims to describe marine benthic encrusting biodiversity in the polar and cold temperate regions and understand how such biodiversity has changed over time using ARMS, related settlement panel technologies and eDNA.
This PhD project will involve analysis of polar ARMS collected from Rothera research base, Antarctica, Disko Bay, Greenland and Ny Alesund, Svalbard. The data from Antarctica will be compared to similar settlement panel data collected 20 years ago from the same site (Bowden et al., 2006) to identify how this encrusting community has changed over time in Antarctica.
Open to international students.
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