Knowledge Exchange and Training Course on Metabarcoding and Metagenomic Data Processing and Analyses
Knowledge Exchange and Training Course on Metabarcoding and Metagenomic Data Processing and Analyses
This introductory course is addressed to unexperienced students, scientists and stakeholders interested in acquiring practical bioinformatics skills on metabarcoding and metagenomic data analyses.
DNA metabarcoding and metagenomics are powerful methods for assessing biodiversity, either from environment or from bulk samples, for a wide range of applications (e.g. biodiversity monitoring, medical and food sciences, reconstruction of paleo communities, etc.). They require skills from molecular biology, bioinformatics, biostatistics, microbiology.
This course consists of lectures and practical sessions introducing main aspects of metabarcoding and metagenomic bioinformatics data analyses (from data pre-processing to data analysis), providing the students with the necessary knowledge and skill to select and apply the main approaches. Results presentation and delivery will be also discussed.