Access Provider Spotlight: Ryan Institute and Carna Research Station (NUIG) | Assemble+

Access Provider Spotlight: Ryan Institute and Carna Research Station (NUIG)


Access Provider Spotlight: Ryan Institute and Carna Research Station (NUIG)

“The facilities of Carna Research Station to keep marine organisms alive and the assistance of its technical staff allowed us to carry out our project successfully.”
Seila Díaz, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain


We are two centres in one! The Ryan Institute on the main campus facilitates access to molecular systematics, trace metals and natural products laboratories. The Ryan Institute laboratory at Carna in beautiful Connemara has facilities for holding live organisms with flow through and recirculating tank systems. A large range of marine habitats are accessible a short distance from Galway.

There is a diverse and interdisciplinary community of marine scientists associated with the Ryan Institute.

  • Diverse habitats in Galway Bay: maerl beds, kelps, sponges, seagrass. rocky and sedimentary shores
  • Platforms for molecular work, trace metals and biodiscovery
  • Facilities for holding live organisms


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