Access Provider Spotlight: Institute of Biological Resources and Marine Biotechnology (IRBIM) | Assemble+

Access Provider Spotlight: Institute of Biological Resources and Marine Biotechnology (IRBIM)


Access Provider Spotlight: Institute of Biological Resources and Marine Biotechnology (IRBIM)

The “Institute of Biological Resources and Marine Biotechnology” in Messina has several main activities of research dedicated to study fishing resources, innovative aquaculture, marine microbial ecology, molecular microbiology and environmental biotechnology. Within these topics we are specializing in physiology of nutrition and reproductive biology of fishes, harmful algal blooms investigation, marine petroleum microbiology and biotechnology and molecular microbiology of extremophilic microorganisms.


CNR-IRBIM Messina is located in the extraordinary place praised by Homer in his Odyssey with extremely rich biodiversity and unique ecological characteristics. Dividing two Seas, Thyrrenian and Ionian, the Strait of Messina is very dynamic, providing an excellent opportunity to study many aspects of oceanographic and biological functioning and anthropogenic impact. Being at the border of colliding African and Eurasian plates, Sicily is tectonically active and possesses many unique sites as shallow thermal vents and gas seepages. The access to mesocosms facilities offers a unique experimental platform for environmental biotechnology.

  • Access to many unique sites including Eolian Archipelago by small boats and simple snorkelling
  • More sophisticated diving activity is possible upon request
  • Seawater aquaria and algae incubators with regulated photoperiod and temperature
  • Micro- and mesocosm facilities (up to 20 m3) to perform various long- and short-term experiments are available upon request
  • Laboratories for initial samples manipulation including microbial isolation and molecular biology techniques


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