The ASSEMBLE Plus Open Repository and Open Access publishing
What is this?
ASSEMBLE Plus would like to collect all articles, proceedings, and publications related to ASSEMBLE Plus, to provide a resource which others can search. Our "ASSEMBLE Plus collection" is a catalogue held in the Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS, a metadata catalogue for publications, datasets, and more), from where these publications can be browsed and downloaded.
It is required that all refereed ASSEMBLE Plus publications (i.e. those based on work funded by ASSEMBLE Plus) are Open Access publications (see below for more detail). Open Access articles can be added to the ASSEMBLE Plus collection by the author, and anyone can immediately access the article to read it, without needing to pass a paywall.
Many journals (see below) do allow for immediate open access. This is called "Gold" publishing, and if you publish in these journals then we only require that you send us the citation and DOI and it can be added to the ASSEMBLE Plus collection. There are other journals that provide a limited form of open access, and this is called "Green" publishing. For example, they will allow a PDF of a version of the article (e.g. post-acceptance but not fully journal-formatted) to be placed in an "Open Repository" , or they will allow this upon some payment from the authors. An open repository allows users to read the PDF without needing to pass a paywall, but only after they click to agree to some terms and conditions. To accommodate such journals, we have created the ASSEMBLE Plus Open Repository (A+OR). Articles placed here are then also part of the ASSEMBLE Plus collection. To add your Green publishing article to the Open Repository, you need to ask for permission from the journal, and then send us the citation, DOI, and the PDF that they have allowed you to provide to us.
Journals that do not allow immediate open access (neither gold nor green), will usually only allow free access after an embargo period (the length of which is decided by the journal, not the authors). Under the terms and conditions of your having accepted ASSEMBLE Plus TA funding, you are not allowed to publish your ASSEMBLE Plus-funded results in such journals.
Open Access journals
For more information on Open Access publishing, see e.g. this Wikipedia explanation or the Horizon2020 document for more detail. A list of Green and Gold journals can be found via the SHERPA/RoMEO site, via this DOAJ search page, and via links on this page of the UCD library. You can also ask your chosen journal what its policy on open access is: if they do not allow open access or the PDF to be placed in the ASSEMBLE Plus Open Repository, then you need to inform us ( ).
Who will use this Open Repository?
Those who will deposit their contributions in the ASSEMBLE Plus collection will include the researchers of the JRAs and our Transnational Access users.
The intended end-users are marine scientists in general. The publications in this repository can be browsed from our publications catalogue.
How do I contribute?
If you have just published an article from work that was fully or partly funded by ASSEMBLE Plus, then we ask you to send an email to so we can add that publication to our collection and, where necessary, to the A+OR. Please include,
- the reference of your publication and its DOI,
- a PDF of the publication if the journal allows access only via the repository,
- and state under what part of ASSEMBLE Plus your funding fell (e.g. "Transnational Access", "JRA1",...).
All publications resulting from ASSEMBLE Plus funding must be Open Access
ASSEMBLE Plus is funded by Horizon2020 and participates in its Open Research Data Pilot. This places certain requirements on the management of publications resulting from ASSEMBLE Plus funding. According to the H2020 guidelines, it is required that any refereed publication that results from the research carried out using funding from ASSEMBLE Plus is Open Access, i.e. free to download and read. The best way to do this is to publish in an Open Access Journal (Gold access). An alternative approach is where the journal allows a PDF of the accepted article to be archived in an Open Repository, where it can be accessed by anyone (Green access). It is for this second approach that we created the ASSEMBLE Plus Open Repository.
All publications produced with ASSEMBLE Plus funding should include the following acknowledgement: “The research leading to these results received funding, or partial funding, from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730984, ASSEMBLE Plus project”.
Much Appreciated!