European Blue Biobank wins 'Atlantic Marine and Coastal' category at 3rd Atlantic Project Awards | Assemble+

European Blue Biobank wins 'Atlantic Marine and Coastal' category at 3rd Atlantic Project Awards


European Blue Biobank wins 'Atlantic Marine and Coastal' category at 3rd Atlantic Project Awards

Congratulations to European Blue Biobank, the winner of Atlantic Marine and Coastal category at the 3rd Atlantic Awards. 

The Atlantic Project Awards, established in 2016, are designed to honour outstanding success stories, achieved by projects in the geographical area covered by the Atlantic Strategy that showcase relevance to the implementation of the Atlantic Action Plan. They promote individual winners but at the same time highlight the incorporation and scaling up of best practices at regional, national, European and international level.

This year’s Atlantic Project Awards were presented at a prestigious ceremony at the 5th Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference held from 23-24 October 2018 at Mar de Vigo in Vigo, Spain.

Stay up-to-date with the event by clicking here

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