Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences Kristineberg | Assemble+

Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences Kristineberg


The Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences is a newly-established research infrastructure organisation within the University of Gothenburg. The Centre integrates the research capacities of two very well-established marine research stations and several research vessels. Both marine stations are situated on the Swedish west coast, one at Kristineberg (former Kristineberg Marine Research Station) about 100 km north of Göteborg and the other at Tjärnö (former Tjärnö Marine Biological Laboratory) 160 km north of Göteborg.

The research station at Kristineberg is situated on the Gullmarsfjord, the largest and only true fjord in Sweden. The fjord is 30 km long with a maximum depth of 118 m and has been a natural reserve since 1983. Key features that make this important marine environment unique in Europe are (i) the excellent water quality with two rather distinct water-masses: brackish surface water originating from the Baltic and oceanic water from the North Sea at greater depths, (ii) a large number of habitats including steep rocks, deep basin sediments, sand and mud flats, sea grass beds, and exposed and protected shores, resulting in (iii) a very high biodiversity and a unique fauna. It is in particular the closeness between the station and the fjord that makes this facility unique, enhanced by the availability of a range of research vessels and the fact that these can dock right next to the main laboratory entrance.

SLC is the largest Swedish marine research infrastructure unit, and is financed by UGOT. SLC has 43 employees at the two field stations in Kristineberg and Tjärnö. Including “resident scientists”, a total of ca.150 people work year-round at SLC. With its excellent lodging (165 berth places) and restaurant facilities, the SLC hosts national and international student courses, summer schools, workshops and conferences. Sweden's only true fjord Gullmarn is easily accessible from Kristineberg and the marine national park Kosterhavet is very close to the Tjärnö. Research focuses on climate change, ocean acidification, microplastics, molecular biology, aquaculture, ecosystem functioning, blue biotechnology, and maritime technologies. SLC provides access to the west coast of Sweden from cold water coral reefs to eel-grass meadows.



Main Services



laboratories and climate control rooms, including ocean acidification facilities, with access to all basic research equipments, and technical support from staff.



Access to the two platforms equipment and support from technical staff.

  • Marine Molecular Biology and Genetics Laboratories: equipment for gene cloning, bacterial culture, PCR and QPCR (ABI), protein extraction, 1&2-D gel blotting and densitometric analysis (BioRad). We have a histology lab for ISH and immunohistochemistry and a cell culture lab with laminar flow hoods and incubators.
  • Advanced microscopy laboratory incl. confocal: (i) two Leica UV DIC digital photomiscroscope with video facility; (ii) high level Leica UV stereo microscope with micromanipulators and microinjection (Eppendorf); (iii) a top of the range tri-laser Leica broadband confocal scanning laser microscope

Marine facilities

  • R/V Skagerrak: 39 m vessel, with access to all research equipments, and technical support from vessel crew.
  • Smaller vessel: 12 m R/V Oscar von Sydow with access to all research equipments and technical support from vessel crew.

Marine models

The unique and high level of organismal diversity available at the Lovén Centre includes many current and emerging marine model organisms, for example Ciona intestinalis, Balanus improvisus, Skeletonema marinoi and Myxine glutinosa.

A list of marine organisms found in the North East Atlantic can be found here. A list of the species that, so far, can be maintained and spawned at the Lovén centre can be downloaded here.

SLC Kristineberg
University of Gothenburg, The Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences
Kristineberg 566
450 34 Fiskebäckskil
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