Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)
The Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) performs fundamental and applied marine research addressing scientific and societal questions pertinent to the oceans and seas. NIOZ serves as marine research facilitator for the Dutch marine scientific community, with a focus on areas close to home – the North Sea, the Wadden Sea, the Dutch Delta – and further afield – the North Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean, Asian estuaries and coasts, and the the Polar regions. NIOZ science is conducted in four scientific departments: three are area-oriented – estuaries and delta areas, coastal seas and open oceans – and the fourth, marine microbiology and biogeochemistry, conducts science in all three area types.
NIOZ is the Dutch partner of ASSEMBLE Plus; the Dutch ASSEMBLE Plus partnership is run by NIOZ-CNSI (Caribbean Netherlands Science Institute), which is an overseas division of NIOZ and which also runs the transnational access services.
NIOZ will offer TA and will participate in NA2, NA3 and NA4 and JRA2.
Johan Stapel
Lucas J. Stal