MASTS (Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland) Annual Science Meeting | Assemble+

MASTS (Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland) Annual Science Meeting

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2018.10.31 - 2018.11.02

MASTS (Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Scotland) Annual Science Meeting

The 2018 ASM will examine the modern challenges that face our marine waters, and identify ways and means to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. 

This cross-disciplinary meeting brings together members of the marine science community, with the aim of promoting and communicating research excellence and forging new scientific collaborations. The cross-disciplinary nature of the event as well as the high calibre of the selected talks means that scientists can broaden their knowledge in marine science as well as benefit from expertise and ideas gained in a range of fields other than their own. 


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