Approaches to the study of neuroglia in Amphioxus
Approaches to the study of neuroglia in Amphioxus
We are glad to announce you in the context of the first ASSEMBLE Plus Open Call 2018 the seminar of Matteo Bozzo, PhD student of the Professor Simona Candiani at the Laboratory of Developmental Neurobiology, at Dpt of Earth, Environment and Life Sciences (DISTAV), University of Genoa, Italy.
Title : "Approaches to the study of neuroglia in Amphioxus"
Matteo Bozzo is collaborating in this context with Michael Schubert and is hosted during 3 weeks (from the 08/10 to the 26/10/18) at Villefranche marine station and granted by ASSEMBLE Plus TA program.
Date: Thursday 25th October 2018
Time: 11. a.m.
Venue: Jean Maetz Building Visio room