The World Conference on Marine Biodiversity (WCMB) has become the major focal assembly to share research outcomes, management and policy issues, and discussions on...
Our ambition is to bring marine evolutionary biologists from all over the world together to present recent and ongoing work, share ideas and discuss future...
Algal Research for Policy-Making and Biotech (ARPMB) provides an international forum for communicating recent advances in algal research and for promoting the link...
The invited consortium of the workshop proposed here will bring together researchers working across a range of trophic levels, from viruses to zooplankton and even...
The objective of the present workshop is to provide participants with advanced knowledge, both theoretical and practical, on the immune system of fish.
The Symposium will be a truly interdisciplinary event, mobilizing scholars, social movements, practitioners and members of governmental agencies, undertaking research...
This workshop aims at identify present technological solutions, the limits for integration of existing platforms, and the development of new one to provide accurate,...
ASSEMBLE Plus are glad to announce their first call for access to marine infrastructure for the conduct of research projects (not simply for training, workshops or...
The 4th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity will be held in Montréal, Québec, Canada, from May 20-23, 2018.