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dr. Derycke, Sofie
    Vlaamse overheid; Beleidsdomein Landbouw en Visserij; Instituut voor landbouw- , visserij en voedingsonderzoek; Kenniseenheid: Dier; Aquatisch Milieu en Kwaliteit, meer
    Contact op het instituut:
    Tel.: +32-(0)59-56 98 89
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  • Oceans & Lakes : Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management, meer
  • Universiteit Gent; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Onderzoeksgroep Mariene Biologie (MARBIOL), meer
  • Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen; Operationele Directie Taxonomie en Fylogenie, meer
  • WoRMS Editorial Board (WoRMS editors), meer
  • 'DNA-barcoding' bij mariene nematoden en de rol van genetische diversiteit in de stabiliteit van populaties bij habitatverstoringen, meer
  • Genetic Tools for Ecosystem Health Assessment in the North Sea Region, meer
  • Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning - EU Network of Excellence, meer
  • Populatiestructuur en dynamiek van enkele bacterivore nematoden langsheen de Noordzeekust en aanpalende estuaria, meer
  • Buys, B.; Derycke, S.; De Meester, N.; Moens, T.; Marine Biology Research Group. Ghent University: Belgium; (2021): Colonization of macroalgal deposits by estuarine nematodes through air and potential for rafting inside algal structures. Marine Data Archive., meer
  • GRL: Christodoulou M.; Beentjes K.; van der Hoorn B., Van Den Bulcke, L., Derycke S., De Backer, A.; Martinez Arbizu P.; 2021; GEANS Reference Library, meer
  • SBS BPNS: De Backer, A.; Wittoeck, J.; Van Den Bulcke, L.; Derycke S. (2019) DNA based soft bottom monitoring of macrobenthos in the framework of sand extraction at Belgian part of the North Sea by ILVO, meer
  • eDNA ILVO: Derycke S., De Backer A., (2021) eDNA monitoring in offshore windmill farms in the BPNS, meer
  • SBS BPNS RT: Derycke Sofie; 2020; DNA metabarcoding macrobenthos from the BPNS, meer
  • Doorenspleet, K.; Mailli, A.A.; van der Hoorn, B.; Beentjes, K.; De Backer, A.; Derycke, S.; Murk, A.; Reiss, H.; Nijland, R.; Wageningen University and Research; Nord University; Naturalis Biodiversity Center; ILVO Marine Research; (2024): Illumina MiSeq dataset for molecular macrobenthos biodiversity monitoring comparing Oxford Nanopore and Illumina based metabarcoding and metagenomics. Marine Data Archive., meer
  • Doorenspleet, K.; Mailli, A.A.; van der Hoorn, B.; Beentjes, K.; De Backer, A.; Derycke, S.; Murk, A.; Reiss, H.; Nijland, R.; Wageningen University and Research; Nord University; Naturalis Biodiversity Center; ILVO Marine Research; (2024): Illumina Novaseq dataset for molecular macrobenthos biodiversity monitoring comparing Oxford Nanopore and Illumina based metabarcoding and metagenomics. Marine Data Archive., meer
  • Doorenspleet, K.; Mailli, A.A.; van der Hoorn, B.; Beentjes, K.; De Backer, A.; Derycke, S.; Murk, A.; Reiss, H.; Nijland, R.; Wageningen University and Research; Nord University; Naturalis Biodiversity Center; ILVO Marine Research; (2024): Oxford Nanopore dataset for molecular macrobenthos biodiversity monitoring comparing Oxford Nanopore and Illumina based metabarcoding and metagenomics. Marine Data Archive., meer
  • Guden, R.M.; Derycke, S.; Moens, T.; Marine Biology Research Group, Department of Biology (Ugent); Aquatic Environment and Quality, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO): Belgium; (2023): Effects of resource diversity on active dispersal behaviour of 3 cryptic species of the nematode Litoditis marina. Marine Data Archive., meer
  • Guden, R.M.; Derycke, S.; Moens, T.; Marine Biology Research Group, Department of Biology (Ugent); Aquatic Environment and Quality, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO): Belgium; (2023): Resource preferences and fitness of 3 cryptic species of the nematode complex Litoditis marina at different levels of intraspecific competition and resource diversity. Marine Data Archive., meer
  • Guden, R.M.; Rizkianti, M.; Derycke, S.; Moens, T.; Marine Biology Research Group, Department of Biology (Ugent); Aquatic Environment and Quality, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO): Belgium; (2023): Offspring fitness of multiple nematode generations after parental exposure to intraspecific competition in two cryptic species of Litoditis marina. Marine Data Archive., meer
  • Guden, R.M.E.; Derycke, S.; Moens, T.; Marine Biology Research Group - Ugent: Belgium; (2021): Taxis-to-food, fitness, and interspecific interactions data of 4 cryptic lineages of the nematode Litoditis marina on different resource diversity. Marine Data Archive., meer
  • Guden, R.M.E.; Haegeman, A.; Ruttink, T.; Moens, T.; Derycke, S.; Marine Biology Research Group - Ugent; Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO): Belgium; (2022): Supplementary information accompanying the paper "Nematodes facilitate bacterial-mediated biogeochemical processes in marine sediments: a meta-transcriptomics approach". Marine Data Archive., meer
  • Guden, R.M.E.; Vafeiadou, A.M.; De Meester, N.; Derycke, S.; Moens, T.; Marine Biology Research Group - Ugent, Belgium (2018): Relative abundance data of 4 cryptic lineages of the nematode Litoditis marina in a saltmarsh habitat in the Western-Scheldt estuary, meer
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