Note on the Zuiderzee crab, Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) subspecies tridentatus (Maitland)
Buitendijk, A.M.; Holthuis, L.B. (1949). Note on the Zuiderzee crab, Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) subspecies tridentatus (Maitland). Zool. Meded. 30(7): 95-106
In: Zoologische Mededelingen. Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum (Leiden): Leiden. ISSN 0024-0672; e-ISSN 1876-2174, more
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Keywords |
Fauna > Aquatic organisms > Aquatic animals > Shellfish > Marine organisms > Marine crustaceans Taxa > Species Pilumnus tridentatus (Maitland, 1874); Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould, 1841) [WoRMS] ANE, Netherlands [Marine Regions] Marine/Coastal |
Authors | | Top |
- Buitendijk, A.M.
- Holthuis, L.B.
Abstract |
In the former Zuiderzee, the large brackish inland sea of the Netherlands, a species of crab was commonly met with, which species generally was considered to be endemic in the Dutch inland waters, and was named by most authors Heteropanope tridentata (Maitland). Examination of material and literature convinced us that the crab does not belong to the genus Heteropanope at all, but is a Rithropanopeus, while it is so closely related to the American Rithropanopeus harrisii (Gould), that we only can consider it to be a subspecies of that species. |