WoRMS editors

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WoRMS, the World Register of Marine Species, is the reference list of all life in the ocean. More than 200 editors work on this list worldwide, each with their expertise within a taxonomic group, on a voluntary basis. Completing and correcting the world list requires an enormous effort. Through donations, we manage to provide WoRMS editors with additional research potential every year thanks to scholarships worth 1000 euros.

DonATE To Support The WoRMS-editors with completing the World register of marine species

WoRMS, the World Register of Marine Species aims to capture the names of all species described since the pioneering work of Carl Linnaeus and is continuously updated and improved by a group of taxonomic experts, 'the editors'.

Completing and correcting WoRMS requires an enormous continuing effort and is entirely dependent on the expertise and time of the editors. On top of that, it is a race against time as species are at risk of disappearing due to changing maritime conditions - such as warming, pollution and acidification - before they are discovered.

Our support: awarding WoRMS editors grants worth EUR 1000. This grant helps editors to fill gaps in the list, expand the content and improve the quality of taxonomic database, verify taxonomic information, and purchase scientific publications.

Your donation helps to make the work of the WoRMS editors possible and thus to complete the WoRMS database. Donations can be made via the webshop or by transferring to the philanthropy bank account of the Flanders Marine Institute: BE70 0017 1687 3425 with the reference Gift for WoRMS editors. Donations from EUR 40 per year are tax deductible. Do you wish to sponsor? Please contact filantropie@vliz.be and we will look at the possibilities together.

An overview of all WoRMS activities can be read on the WoRMS website.

World Register of Marine Species
WoRMS editors grants 2016 - 2025

Since the the start of  WoRMS editors 21 taxonomic experts received financial support through The Sea as a Good Cause. These editors are active worldwide. Grants were awarded to European scientists, but equally to experts in Argentina, Brazil, India and Australia, because the ocean knows no borders. Details on how the grant contributed to the work of the WoRMS editors can be read on the WoRMS website (in English) or in the Annual Reports for Donors (in Dutch). Calls for proposals are sent out from the WoRMS Steering Committee.

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WoRMS is  an endorsed project within the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development. More information at oceandecade.org.