Scientific Awards

VLIZ Scientific Awards

The VLIZ Science Awards honour the work of (young or experienced) marine researchers. By doing so, VLIZ wants to encourage them to continue making high-quality scientific contributions in the future and to promote marine science research in Flanders and in the North Sea.

North Sea Award 

VLIZ presents an annual award at the VLIZ Marine Science Day to encourage innovative fundamental or applied research. This research should focus on studying the structure, functioning and/or sustainable management of the coastal and marine ecosystem including dunes and estuaries. All science disciplines and categories (alpha, beta and gamma) are eligible.

Applications for the North Sea Award 2024 will open in autumn.


Evelyn Paredes Coral, de winnaar van de North Sea Award 2023, samen met Colin Janssen, voorzitter van de Wetenschappelijke Commissie

Master Thesis Award 

Every year, the VLIZ awards two prizes to crown graduation works at a Belgian university, or graduation works by Belgian students at a foreign educational institution. Both fundamental and applied research topics in all branches of marine sciences are eligible. One of the two prizes is reserved for a climate-oriented thesis.

Applications for the North Sea Award 2024 will open in autumn.


Michiel De Cooman, winnaar van de Master Thesis Award, met Colin Janssen, voorzitter van de Wetenschappelijke Commissie, en algemeen directeur Jan Mees
Prof. Jean Hugé neemt de Master Thesis Award in ontvangst namens winnaar QuanTran Manh, met Colin Janssen, voorzitter van de Wetenschappelijke Commissie

Bachelor Thesis Award 

Every year, the VLIZ awards a prize to crown a professional bachelor's thesis at a Belgian college of higher education (bachelor's programme), or a professional bachelor's thesis by a Belgian student at an international educational institution. Both fundamental and applied research topics in all branches of marine sciences are eligible.

Applications for the Bachelor Thesis Award 2024 will open in autumn.


Winnaar van de Bachelor Thesis Award 2022

Dr. Edouard Delcroix Incentive Award

HYDRO vzw and the Flanders Marine Institute annually organise the Dr. Edouard Delcroix Incentive Award, worth 2,500 EUR. Since 2020, this way a young scientist at the start of his/her research career is awarded for scientific research carried out in the broad context of the ocean and human health. The prize was established in honour of Dr. Edouard Delcroix (1891-1973), Belgian orthopaedic surgeon and pioneer in hydrotherapy. Entries for the Dr. Edouard Delcroix Incentive Award will be opened in the autumn.

Hydro vzw also annually supports the realisation of an original marine research idea through the Dr. Edouard Delcroix research grant worth EUR 10,000, read more via this link.
