8:30 Registration
9:00 Welcome to the VMSD
Jan Mees, General Director of VLIZ
9:05 25 years of VLIZ
Carl Decaluwé, Governor of West Flanders, President of VLIZ
9:15 Keynote presentation
Fiona Grant, Head of International Programmes at Marine Institute, Chair of the European Marine Board
9:45 Predoc presentations
- Digital Twins: Promoting sustainable tourism and monitoring of marine environment
Nikhil Thomas, Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute - Do melting glaciers impact carbon burial in Greenlandic fjords?
Marius Buydens, Ghent University - Optimizing ZooScan measurements: A study on Copepod length and volume estimations in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Jonas Mortelmans, Flanders Marine Institute - Stress and heartache: Heart morphology deviation and energy resource exhaustion induced by chronic stress impaired the swimming performance of Atlantic salmon
April Grace Opinion, University of Antwerp - Unravelling the dinner menu: First comparative study on natural food composition of juvenile Scylla olivacea and Scylla tranquebarica with Oxford Nanopore Technology sequencing reveals trophic niche difference
Arida Fauziyah, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
10:15 Coffee break + interactive sessions + poster session
11:10 Predoc presentations
- A food web model of the Southern Bight of the North Sea: Historical dynamics (1991–2022) to support ecosystem-based management
Steven Pint, Flanders Marine Institute - Assessing morpho-sedimentary and benthic recovery dynamics after intensive aggregate extraction on tidal sandbanks
Lucía López López, Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture Fisheries and Food - Assessing the hydrodynamic impacts and carbon deposition pattern associated with floating solar structures within a Belgian offshore wind farm
Pauline Denis, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences - Ecological implications of ocean alkalinity enhancement with olivine: Nickel release and bioaccumulation in Arenicola marina
Benjamin Van Heurck, University of Antwerp - Explosive legacies: Revealing wartime TNT pollution in the North Sea through bacterial indicators
Wyona Schütte, Flanders Marine Institute - Integrating climatic controls and dispersal to project mangrove dynamics at a rapidly-changing range limit
Lucia Enes Gramoso, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Methane saturation in the west Antarctic Peninsula
Axelle Brusselman, University of Liège - Plastic pellet pollution on the Scheldt riverbank: A case study along the Scheldt estuary between Vlissingen (Netherlands) and Melle (Belgium)
Hanne Diels, University of Antwerp - Warming alters reproductive investment in Northeast Atlantic sole (Solea solea) populations: Small fish thrive, large fish compromise
Tuan Anh Bui, Ghent University - Wired waters – investigating overlooked impacts of submarine power cables on marine life
Lotte Pohl, Flanders Marine Institute
12:05 Trailer "De Wilde Noordzee" (The Wild North Sea)
12:10 Lunch break + interactive sessions + poster session
13:20 Keynote presentation
Alain Arnaud, Lead of the Mercator Digital Ocean department
13:50 Predoc presentations
- Examining spatial and temporal dynamics of pCO2 in the North Sea using ocean color satellite data
Andrea Van Langen Rosón, Flanders Marine Institute - Going with the flow: Trait-dependent dispersal in coastal wetlands
Laura Bossaer, University of Antwerp - High-resolution coastal carbon dynamics: Addressing knowledge gaps in the Belgian part of the North Sea
Maurie Keppens, Flanders Marine Institute - To blend or to stand out: Pigmentation changes in coral symbionts under environmental stress
Lisa Mussoi, University of Mons - Oxygen: Broadcasting live from inside a copepod gut
Bram Martin, Ghent University
14:20 Interviews with Brilliant Marine Research Idea grant winners
15:00 Coffee break + interactive sessions + poster session
16:00 Award ceremony & VLIZ 25th anniversary
- The sea on prescription: Investigating the link between sea spray aerosols and human health benefits (Dr Delcroix Incentive Award)
Silke Lambert, Ghent University - Exploring preventive health strategies: The role of coastal environments in the physical and cognitive well-being of older adults (Dr Delcroix Incentive Award)
Julia Kinet, Flanders Marine Institute
- Award ceremony
- Brilliant Marine Research Idea grants
- Dr Edouard Delcroix Incentive Awards
- Best poster & best presentation award
- VLIZ 25th anniversary
- Colin Janssen, Vice-president of VLIZ, on behalf of President Carl Decaluwé
- Jan Mees, General Director of VLIZ
- Johan Hanssens, Secretary-General of Flanders Department of Work, Economy, Science, Innovation & Social Economy
17:00 Reception (until 18:30)