Book of Abstracts
The abstracts of all participants and award winners can be found in the Book of Abstracts (VLIZ Special Publication 75). It gives you a nice overview of the current marine research in the Flanders' region.
Photo gallery
All pictures of the VLIZ Marine Scientist Day 2016 are available in the VLIZ photo gallery.
Follow the activity on Twitter: #VMSD16
Twenty-four contestants (18 pre-doc and 6 post-doc level) were invited to prepare a short pitch presentation (max. 5 minutes) for the plenary session. The others could present their work during the poster session. The audience could vote for the best oral and the best scientific poster.
Top-3 pitch presentations (pre-doc level)
1: Stock Frederike, Wim Vyverman, Sven Mangelinckx, Anne Willems and Lynn Vanhaecke - Hello from the other side - Interkingdom crosstalk between bacteria and diatoms [pitch presentation: -
2: Burdorf Laurine, Silvia Hidalgo-Martinez, Perran Cook and Filip Meysman - Long-distance electron transport by cable bacteria in mangrove sediments [pitch presentation: -
3: Sotillo Alejandro, Catia Santos and Luc Lens - Raising healthy chicks: diet effects on chick development of Lesser Black-backed Gulls [pitch presentation: -
Top-3 pitch presentations (post-doc level)
1: Neukermans Griet, Guislain Bécu, Eric Rehm and Marcel Babin - Light and life beneath sea ice in the Canadian Arctic [pitch presentation: ]
2: De Smet Bart, Dick Van Oevelen, Magda Vincx, Jan Vanaverbeke and Karline Soetaert - Getting trapped: Lanice conchilega structures carbon flows in soft-bottom intertidal areas [pitch presentation: ]
3: Knaeps Els, Dries Raymaekers, Liesbeth De Keukelaere, Tom Verstappen and Gert Strackx - Drones record water quality at cm scale [pitch presentation: -
Top-3 scientific posters
1: Runya Robert, Kevin Ruddick and Quinten Vanhellemont - Optical remote sensing of Lake Victoria []
2: Stock Willem, Karen Grace Bondoc, Wim Vyverman, Georg Pohnert, Anne Willems and Sven Mangelinckx - Diatom-bacteria interactions: Symbiosis on the move []
3: Van der Pool Jesse and Niek Visschedijk - Battle for the reefs: Monitoring the development of biodiversity on four artificial oyster reefs []
All other posters are made available via the Open Marien Archive (OMA).
Keynote speakers
Koedam Nico - Roots in the sea [presentation: -
Verkest Sofie and Ilja Van Braeckel - Bright Club: finding the comedy in your research [presentation: ]
Meet the Company
The companies that were present during Meet the Company 2016:
- DEME -
- Flanders' Maritime Cluster -
- G-tec -
- IMDC -
Read more about the marine companies that were present at this third edition of the Meet the Company event.
VLIZ Scientific Awards
North Sea Award 2015
Meysman Filip (VUB - Analytical, Environmental & Geochemistry / NIOZ): 'Discovery of long-distance microbial electron transport in the seafloor of the North Sea' (a collection of articles: 2014 - 2015) [presentation: ]
VLIZ Thesis Award for Marine Sciences 2015
De Gryse Gaëtan (UGent - Virology, Parasitology & Immunology): 'Driedimensionale morfologie van de antennale klier bij de Penaeus vannamei en de ontwikkeling van een kwantificatiemethode voor de studie van het White spot syndrome virus' [M.Sc. scriptie:]
Mestdagh Thomas (UGent - Renard Centre of Marine Geology): 'Evaluation and modelling of the response of gas hydrate reservoirs to changing environmental conditions across a high-latitude continental margin' [pitch presentation: -
] [M.Sc. scriptie:
VLIZ Communication Award 2015
Jan Trachet (UGent - Historical Archaeology Research Group): Medieval Bruges and its outer ports. A landscape archaeological contribution to the Zwin-debate. [pitch presentation: -
] []
VLIZ Communication Award 2016
Pieterjan Verhelst (UGent - Marine Biology Research Group): The importance of acoustic telemetry for restoring fish stocks.
See you again next year for a new edition! Keep an eye on the announcements for the submission of abstracts (autumn 2016).