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Jongerencontactdag 2009 (1)

The 2009 edition of the VLIZ Young Scientists' day on 6 March attracted 158 participants. A day full of presentations of invited speakers, demonstrations, a poster session, a photo contest and a lot of networking with the marine scientists of Flanders and environs. Here you can find all pictures, presentations, the book of abstracts and the winning posters and pictures.


Jan Mees - Flanders Marine Institute VLIZ
Welcome [PPT Icon - Read only ]

Jan Tytgat - Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – Laboratory of Toxicology and Food Chemistry
Expectancies of a toxicologist: from sudden poisoning to miraculous discovery [PPT Icon - Read only ]


Tom Maris - University of Antwerp ­ Ecosystem Management Research Group
Restoring ecosystem functions in a heavily disturbed estuary [PPT Icon - Read only ]

Guillaume Delefortrie - Flanders Hydraulics Research - Knowledge centre Manoeuvring in shallow and confined water
The effect of a muddy bottom on ship control [PDF Icon - Read only ]

Frank Bockelmann - Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Department of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry: Do burrowing organisms influence carbon processing on a global scale? A data mining approach [PPT Icon - Read only ]

Heroen Verbruggen - Ghent University – Research Group Phycology
Niche models of invasive seaweed species: predicting spread and areas at risk of suffering blooms [PPT Icon - Read only ]

Trevor Platt - Executive Director of the Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans POGO
Observing the ocean [PDF Icon - Read only ]


Poster award - Professional jury:

1. Griet Neukermans, Hubert Loise, Xavier Mériaux and Kevin Ruddick - Vertical variability of suspended matter and its effect on remote sensing reflectance

2. De Meester Steven, Michiel Claessens and Colin Janssen - Appearance and potential effects of microplastics in the Belgian coastal area

3. (ex aequo) Huysman Marie J.J., Cindy Martens, Jeroen Gillard, Klaas Vandepoele, Dirk Inzé, Yves Van de Peer, Lieven De Veylder and Wim Vyverman - Regulation of the cell cycle in the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum

3. (ex aequo) Rappé Karen, Michiel Claessens, Delphine Coates, Colin Janssen and Magda Vincx - Biomarker responses in Mytilus edulis following in situ exposure in Belgian coastal harbours



Poster award - Public jury:

1.De Meester Steven, Michiel Claessens and Colin Janssen - Appearance and potential effects of microplastics in the Belgian coastal area

2.Van Ginderdeuren Karl, Kris Hostens and Magda Vincx - (Semi-)pelagic fisheries as an alternative within the Flemish fisheries sector, with special emphasis on the role of zooplankton in the North Sea

3.M’rabu Elisha, Bosire Jared, Cannicci Stefano and Farid Dahdouh-Guebas - Mitigating impacts of expected climate change on mangrove ecosystems in Kenya


VLIZ Thesis Award for Marine Sciences 2008:

Steven De Meester (UGent, Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology)
Occurrence and potential effects of microplastics in Belgian coastal waters [PPT Icon - Read only]

Elisabeth Robert (VUB, Plant Biology and Nature Management – APNA)
Hydraulic architecture of Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. along an ecological gradient in Gazi Bay (Kenia) – 2006-2007 [PPT Icon - Read only]


North Sea Award 2008:

Els Verfaillie (UGent, Department Geology and Soil Science, Renard Centre of Marine Geology)
Development and validation of spatial distribution models of marine habitats, in support of the ecological valuation of the seabed [PPT Icon - Read only]


Photo contest - Public jury:

First Prize: Karl Vanginderdeuren


Photo contest - Professional jury:

First Prize: Hans Hillewaert


All winners in a row.


For more pictures of the Young Marine Scientists' Day 2009 (1) visit the VLIZ-photogallery.